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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. pretty significant. literally the most storied playstation exclusives of all time just got ported in one foul sweep. It's like the entire halo series going to playstation in one day. Ruthless on SE's part.
  2. Together at last on one console. Sony, just quit gaming. you've been erased
  3. Welcome home, FF7. The Power of N compels you. SWITCH is here to undo 20+ years of damages done against Nintendo's mighty name. We're here to take your games. We're here to shit on your memories. We're here to erase playstation's legacy from gaming. TCHBR!
  4. quite the imagination you have there, dipshit.
  5. god damn we eatin' again Everyday is like Christmas when you're a Nintendo fan. #1 console, #1 games, Top Notch Gaming.
  6. What? The Power of N, old chap. The Power of N.
  7. How do you guys play? on a console? On a PeeC? Damn you guys are missing out. rocking triple AAAAE's that Peec will never get while cows play 86%-Man and lems and herms fight it out over multiplats . TOP. NOTCH. GAMING. ONLY FOR: 'WE ON FIRE'
  8. he's washed up. Even MGK is beating up on him nowadays.
  9. COD always wins. Beating up on PubeG and BFVagina. COD is the best FPS franchise and Black Ops is the best COD franchise. Expected nothing less. Now, watch and wait for the definitive version on Switch launching with our new Nintendo Online service.
  10. GREAT NEWS, but this means nothing if Halo Infinite is still a go for PoC. Phil, publicly cancel Halo Infinite for PoC or you can kiss your business goodbye. there is no reason why a mainline masterchief game should ever be on PoC. Give them Halo Wars 3. Give them Spartan Assault. Give them PuyoPuyo Tetris featuring masterchief, but a full game? No, never, they don't deserve it.
  11. the game shouldn't. the Halo level especially should be hard blocked on PC. that should be for Xbox owners only, anything less is a personal insult to anyone who's ever purchased an xbox console or a copy of halo. No honour, no respect. that's the lowdown crooks running MS right now. Phil, gunned up and clapped quicc. Greenberg, loftis, larry herb... gunned up and clapped quicc your whole damn clown crew gunned up & clapped quicc. Sincerely, NMafia
  12. It's only on two other platforms so using Phil Spencer logic this is still a Switch exclusive.
  13. Only one Racing game matters. Lems and Herms need to stop talking about their shared Fauxsclusies. No one cares about this MULTIPLATFORM title. basically,
  14. KH Switch would outsell both other versions combined. My dream is that with Switch's insane popularity, devs start prioritizing the platform. (We're #1 afterall). That means all versions should be built to spec with the industry standard hardware - the #1 Selling Switch. Gimp the other versions. Don't focus on graphics. Just get these games up and running where it matters most. N
  15. this is perfect for Switch, Along with Persona. Here's hoping these franchises can find a new home (one where they're appreciated) on the Switch, Japan's #1 platform.
  16. so you're celebrating losing? This franchise now belongs to the almighty N.
  17. Insomniac is easily one of the worst developers in the business. Ratshit, reshitstain, and now this. these guys need to close up shop immediately.
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