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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. none of that will help. the only FDA approved drugs with science behind them are minoxodil (rogaine) and finasteride. those 2 and surgical hair transplants are the only 3 real options.
  2. and then when you go online and read the horror stories from young guys who say they NEVER recovered, and their lives are ruined, it just isn't worth it. Thank God i recovered. But it was the first time in my life i could see why people would off themselves. 2 weeks with burning nuts and weak erections at 28 years old would do that to any young man evil drug
  3. trump's 70+, it's safe to say the erection-killing effects of finasteride have no bearing on him. He's 70 - HIS DICK DOESN'T WORK!
  4. @SheepKilla try to take a week or two off of it and see if anything happens. i didn't really feel anything until i 'stopped', that's when the sides really kicked in after i had built some dependence on it. its just not natural to be playing around with shit like this.
  5. after 6 months on it: turns the consistency of your jizz to straight up water no more goo (they tell you this happens to everyone and i knew this going in) Occasionally got hit with the feeling i got kicked in the nuts feeling like you need to pee a few more drops even after your done pissing what really scared the shit out of me was the 'crash' after stopping cold turkey: 2 weeks after i stopped: Erections almost impossible Burning/aching feeling in nuts that lasted constantly for 2 weeks jizzing on a delay (I'd feel l
  6. seems like a lot of legal mumbo jumbo. PS5 is more powerful than all PCs and routinely outperforms series X so no need to worry for Sony Damn it feels nice to be on the winning team
  7. don't get me started on finasteride evil drug should be banned
  8. YELLOW STREAK CONTINUES they were so excited too lmfao Poor Lemmards
  9. guys like that kid on the Voice, and main character of entourage all said they owe their careers to a hair transplant Dude from entourage played George Costanza in that seinfeld pilot episode in the 90's before his hair transplant
  10. yep. if you lose your hair you better work on getting swole + a sleeve of tattoos + start riding and liking Motorcycles if you don't have any interest in motorcycles you're fucked never gonna get laid again. MBP is the greatest destroyer of your appearance known to man handsome one day, unfuckable the next if you started merely average or below average then the effect is even more devastating
  11. seems like a normal 35 year old, he just got hit with final stage baldness young sucks when you're young and lose your hair. expect people to add 10-15 years to your age hell i'm not anwyehere close to as bald and by the time i was 25, people would mistake me for 35+ my big problem was hair thinning + my temples started greying out by the time i was 18
  12. 2 second load times.... sony what magic have you put in the beast PS5? My god. best hardware on the market, continues to outrun xbox on every single faceoff, and destroys all PCs. Sony's engineers deserve a raise. TWO SECONDS!
  13. PC versions of MH eat up a lot of sales for console manufacturers. the cheeto beggars really want these games + PC is a viable option in 3rd world asia where these games do extremely well. chinese communists especially want these games and are only able to play the fake versions on PC. Xbox, nobody cares if they get the game. it has no presence in Asia. PC is enemy #1 and a bigger threat. Sony needs to focus on destroying PC
  14. truck racing AND baseball 2021!? Probably the best month Xbox has had this decade.
  15. Vita has more good games on it than the past two generations of xbox, so this is great news.
  16. https://blog.playstation.com/2021/04/19/playstation-store-on-ps3-and-ps-vita-will-continue-operations/ Panic buyers HBFR!
  17. yep, then it was nintendo's turn to bully PC. Great on Sony and Nintendo both what's really funny is they didn't even care the Xbox version was coming out day and date. that 90:10 Xbone split lmfao
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