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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. It goes without saying. PC and Xbox, evil casual platforms have grown as of late. they want to take down hardcore gamers worlwide, but, we won't stop. we'll fight them every step of the way. Xbox/PC evil is powerful. But PLAYSTATION IS SOLID
  2. yep and they did everything right too. made a AAA game and had it sell 6 million copies, but even that insn't enough if your game isn't shilling leftard politics it will be cancelled from the industry. disgusting
  3. see, this is where i get pissed off, with fake SJW reviews like GS's 5.0 tanking the metascore because of white male protagonists. Leftard reviewers literally took the sequel away from us. There is no way in hell DG is a 71. none.
  4. Xbox hasn't won an NPD single month since Gears of war 4 in September 2016. that was the last high profile 'exclusive' released for the console, and was riding off people's assumptions that it would actually be gears 3 quality. it wasn't. and this was before widespread awareness hit that every xbox game was on PC as well. Gears 5, coming off Gears 4, didn't win anything. 5 years since an NPD win...
  5. getting ready to crack a few beers and then enjoy this tonight on this fine saturday night via 1st priority consumer experience. thank you Sony and Capcom. What a great partnership this has been for real hardcore gamers who correctly chose PlayStation both this generation and last. May the second and 3rd class Xperience continue, especially for the Mustard Race. 🍻 🍺
  6. first demo is up in a few hours Mustard Race and win 10 familia need not apply
  7. PS5 doing well punches PC gaming right in the mouth, this is fantastic news. Both PC and Xbox are losing players while PS is growing. Switch is also basically eliminating any marketshare Xbox had as the 'second' console. Where as hardcore gamers used to buy a 360 and PS3, they now buy a PS4/5 and a Switch. there's two major players, PS and Nintendo. And then there's the two freeloader platforms, PC and Xbox. these guys don't pay for games, between pirating and gamepass. they have no qualms about playing on low settings or Xbox S consoles, as long as they can
  8. looks like HoboPass isn't enough to offset the loss of exclusive games. Xbox's marketshare continues on a downward spiral.
  9. Xbox Series selling slower than Xbox One: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2021-02-11-ampere-analysis-ps5-and-xbox-series-x-s-sales-in-line-with-not-ahead-of-previous-generation
  10. It's a failed IP. Like Medal of Honor. Soon they'll be making VR spin-offs for oculus. Toxic, dead, and dormant IP that nobody wants to see come back. Peg Leg pink hair trannies liberating Europe in WW2 LMAO fuck Off
  11. no physical copy no buy still haven't got it game flopped massively in reception and probably sales as well. looks like they're emergency porting ASAP
  12. absolutely. In a post warzone world, BF is as dead as they come. And that's not even due to the peg-leg tranny backlash from BFV, the franchise has simply been ousted. Warzone is free so they have no choice but to emergency launch into gamepass. failed IP
  13. There is no sustainable way forward for S-E if MS buys them,. none. Sony and Nintendo account for 99% of the sales of their games. there is no price imaginable that would make it worth it for either party.
  14. great news to see PC treated like the red-headed step child it is, capcom and RE hate PC Everyone hates PC Great time to see PC gamers squirm
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