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Posts posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Called it: MS pulled a fast one on you guys 2 gens in a row. Fake CGI trailers to get the base interested and invest in more failed hardware, yet these games have had no work done on them, are years away, still in concept stage.


    Worst part? Some will end up cancelled like Phantom Dust.


    Perfect Dark will never come out. calling it now. The reveal fell flat on its face and MS wants it swept under the rug. with what they intended to spend on it, there's no way Phil will let it come out after seeing the reception.


    Another generation of no games. this is incredible.



  2. NMH-Killion-Dollar-Trilogy_04-08-21-1536


    3-pack physical copy for Japan :bow: 


    Lmao fuck you limited run they wanted $50 a pop for the first two games each


    scumbag western 'limited' scalper companies need to go away


    the games will all play in english anyway


    also, fuck PC beggars

  3. guilty gear strive and FF7R:I as well


    there's really nothing different than last gen. Sony is outmatching MS first party 10:1 and Japanese 3rd parties are still not up to par on the console. they miss everything good, still.


    It's true, Sony doesn't need to show shit, we can make an educated guess after a sample size of about close to a decade now. 



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