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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. it's the opposite of last gen, nothing but propaganda puff pieces coming out of these major sites trying to puff up their beloved SJWbox. Phil and his lefty shenanigans are starting to take hold. the journalists realize he's on their side and now they're going to do his dirty work for him, and try to sell us xboxes. don't fall for it. it's all a controlled response. MS had every intention of turning the media by offering cuckold games, taking away all the 'exclusives' ammo away from their fans and neutering themselves in the console war. Xbox is trying every
  2. these games are good, full quality games that use a dualshock or xbox one controller, from two of my favorite developers ever. they're also free and play on any apple device, which pretty much everyone has. Fantasian is a one of a kind game, the backgrounds are amazing. if you even played one indie game in your life from cuphead, celeste, meatboy whatever and then shit on these games you are wrong. these are better than indies, every single one
  3. 5 years and counting since last 90+ on metacritic (Forza horizon 3) (also on PC) 2016
  4. 8 years and counting since last real AAAE (Forza motorsport 5)
  5. xbox is officially in 5th place this is the spiritual successor to Okami, looks like Clover studios is completely intact within Platinum games. Game is a banger and has full WASD controls + controller support quite literally Okami without the Dog
  6. Game is INCREDIBLE Apple's FF7 moment BEAUTIFUL visuals finally a "3rd platform' is legitimized Directed by HIRONOBU SAKAGUCHI Music by NOBUO UEMATSU Absolute best game on the APPLE HOME COMPUTER platform
  7. Switch PS Apple PC Xbox A world class exclusive out RIGHT NOW Play for free with apple arcade 30 day trial MAC/Macbook/Ipad/Iphone SAKAGUCHI SAN
  8. it's trash, it stinks, kills your braincells, and turns you into a fat, lazy unattractive slob, and you'll probably be a deadbeat asshole if you smoke it 9/10 times Absolute garbage and should be illegal everywhere.
  9. You live in a lithuanian shithole that can't even afford a loaf of bread
  10. i wouldn't pay even though i want to watch. i'd feel like a loser if i did.
  11. Gravity rush 2 servers shut down within the year and TLG was a decade in development flop of epic proportions. the 9.0's by trannies at GS mean nothing. they had a decade in the gutter Gravity Rush 2 was also meant for vita but sony pulled out of handhelds. they reluctantly put that on ps4
  12. that's a poor april fools on their attempt if true, everybody knows this game is broken trash and deserves another year in the cooker. more Boomer-Humour like self-owning themselves with Craig memes
  13. excellent news, with Microsoft out of the picture the game will flourish on Playstation 5.
  14. social media faggots the whole lot anything they can use to get likes or e-fame. half the girls in that age range will show titty on instagram for a few thousand followers whole generation are sadistic voyeur peeping tom wierdos
  15. she's worried about her phone being damaged after flipping over a car and killing a small indian man who's laying dead 5 feet away from her. jesus.
  16. https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/news/html/e210329.html MH:World 5 million in same time, but across 2 platforms PS4/XBONE (Probably 4.9 PS4/0.1 Bone) Switch is a monster, welcome home MH. Hopefully this takes the PC version off the table, there is no need when Switch can hold its own as a single platform.
  17. series S is truly a trainwreck but X isn't doing so hot either. It's getting bested by PS5 in pretty much every game. MS engineering team is fucking inept. This is like watching a mini-van take on a brand new GTR Skyline at the race track. PS5 is outclassing Suckies X. Series X: PS5:
  18. games incredible. Makes World look like child's play. Good to have traditional, japanese MH back HOME on nintendo portables.
  19. this is so sad. get off your lazy ass and buy a switch you CONMAN/CRIMINAL.
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