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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. https://www.gematsu.com/2021/03/astria-ascending-launches-in-2021-in-the-west-for-ps5-xbox-series-ps4-xbox-one-switch-and-pc Looks pretty mediocre in all reality. it's a mere indie game. oh well, not buying.
  2. its that time of week when switch gets yet another BANGER while everyone else twiddles their thumbs
  3. disabled peg-leg trannies in BFV or flying lesbians with rocket launchers in COD, i don't know which was worse.
  4. each house is procedurally generated. every time. WOW. Day one. Game looks incredible and i'll be buying it regardless of scores. I anticipate another Days Gone situation where the game is attacked for political reasons. damn i miss this type of game. No flying lesbian soldiers? An actual real military game. damn its been over a decade since a game like this
  5. Crazy. values are going to jump. Physical collectors are in for a treat. Vita games were just starting to get insane too, now i can't even imagine. The option of paying sometimes 1/4th or 1/3rd the physical price on the vita e-store was always there, not anymore. so lucky i got most of the games i wanted already. Shit's going to get crazy
  6. best looking console ever. looks like something out of a sci-fi flick. next gen is here and the dull, black Office Equiptment boxes it replaces won't be missed
  7. just put this thing to rest. going to be another gen of dashboard updates and Speaker support while playstation continues to release hit game after hit game. Suckies X will do worse than Xbone One guaranteed.
  8. didn't even know it was available for PC. what a worthless, nothing platform that no one pays attention. huge win for Nintendo and glad to see TLOU snubbed.
  9. japanese version should have english if it's anything like doaxbv 3 asia english ver. is slated only for switch so far but i want this on PS4. Can't compromise framerate on these games. literally my most anticipated game release this year. these were the cream of the crop on Xflop and i've been dying to replay them since being xflop-less for a few years now. One of the most important re-releases ever.
  10. It's just too overwhelming right now, too many games on PS5. happy to see this isn't on PC and Xbox! Woo!
  11. demon's souls blew everyone away. game looks incredible. as for me I'm juggling Yakuza, Demon's Souls, and DMC5:SE All on the PS5. all 3 games are incredible AAA experiences. Have Ghost of tsushima which got a PS5 patch on the way. incredible launch window and probably the best of any system ever. especially with RE8 on the way so soon. PS5 is a home run.
  12. i had the same problem when gaming on xbox 360 for a decade, and then moving over to switch. made quick time events nearly impossible. playstation wasn't so bad since the buttons have such iconic shapes. but it's retarded using X to confirm on playstation, when clearly circle should be conform as it used to be in japan. in japan confirm/cancel was always uniform across playstation and nintendo, it was xbox who was the outlier.
  13. probably, game flopped no news yet if this game will hit PS. xbox has secured a pity port which probably cost nothing to port
  14. not feeling the Generic Female protagonist but the game looks good.
  15. Physical market already falling on Octopath. Tough sale at 69.99 on real platforms versus $1 on the Gutterbox. damn,. this is the fate that games like BattleTurdz, CrackHead 3, Bleeding Vadge, and GearSJW deserve, not real games. MS is just trying to destroy the industry before they inevitably pull the plug.
  16. same thing that happened to the yakuza games after being added to LamePass, completely devalued and now considered garbage. god dammit MS needs to be stopped.
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