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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. they can't include two pistols or two shotguns at launch? It's an FPS, most have 10 of each and they want them in there, just they can't figure it out before launch. like the article says, they will come later.
  2. disappointing to see. Hopefully something happens and the game can't be released. Hopefully this is a mistake. Game was retaining its value and still full price thanks to being switch exclusive. now that it's on a freeware POS program like GP, it will be worth $2 in a bargain bin soon. Hopefully I can unload my copy before this news becomes mainstream. Fuck MS.
  3. https://screenrant.com/halo-infinite-missing-classic-weapons-launch/ Reminder: The Shotgun and the Pistol will be post-launch content as well
  4. refused to say anything was exclusive. and 'gamepass exclusive' means nothing when the app is installed on a PS5, which is inevitably coming.
  5. literally the only AAA 1st party game releasing this year on xbox one is...... mlb the show 21. from sony.
  6. wrong, the xbox series x is just a neutered ps5 with less games and no exclusives, and it continuously underperforms in DF head to heads. PS5 is running games better and has better games, objectively.
  7. so basically, it was fine PS5 is like a sports car and Xshit SuX models are mini-vans
  8. full of climbing bugs that spaz out the game. it's like a toddler's developed version of Rise, whichever studio did it is amateur as hell
  9. played shadow the other day as it was free with PSN, what an awful game. first hour alone was full of bugs and glitches, game is full of game breaking technical issues and crashes too what a piece of utter trash. this franchise needs to go away for awhile after that mess. The whole style of game feels 2 gens old, needs a complete overhaul yet again if they have the gall to bring it back. Shadow sucks so hard.
  10. and MS hasn't released a AAA-game since Gears 5 in September 2019 and there hasn't been a single real, non-also-on-PC fauxsclusive since "FRU" released for Kinect in 2016 and there hasn't been a real, non-PC, non-kinect, non-indie exclusive since Rare Replay in 2015 X marks the Flop
  11. no, it's to run a self sustaining business that has the trust and confidence of its consumers, something Xbox doesn't have anymore because they're forced to depend on STEAM to survive. PC ports have done wonders for Xbox. Literally haven't won a Month's NPD since Gears of War 4 launched in 2016. 5 years with 0 NPD wins. Not even one lousy month.
  12. what I don't get is why waste time and resources porting Persona 4 to PC, when the switch would have sold 10x the amount of copies. the casual fat hermit trash don't play games like this anyway, giving them anything is a waste of time. what a mistake it was porting that to PC.
  13. let me ask you this, who's going to port bloodborne to PC? you think from would waste time on porting a 7 year old game just to make the PC fuckwits happy? :D All hopes and dreams from gameless, trash-ass hermits who are desperate for sony games. LOW DOWN BEGGAR TRASH.
  14. why didn't any of the win 10 family mention this? Poor game starved losers forced to grovel to MS's SJW indie scrap and Daddy Spencer Safe Space games. the Lamest gaming brand of all time, zero hardcore gamer cred, and will never be remembered as a contender. Xbox is for LOSERS
  15. Vita TV had to be the best investment. used to see stacks of them for $20 a pop. now they're worth a few hundred
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