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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. hopefully they learned their lesson after bf5. No peg leg trannies this time around
  2. game's dead and will $5 soon. another bleeding edge disaster MS games are the ugliest, floppiest, unwanted trash in gaming lmfao
  3. the more you look at it, japan studio didn't really do shit for a decade other than TLG/Deracine/Gravity Rush, all massive flops. GR2 online servers didn't even last a year lmao. They aren't immune to being shut down, they had nothing but flops for so long and it caught up to them. how much input could they have really had on Bloodborne, it's a FROMsoft game in every way imaginable. They'll be fine to do the sequel on their own. as for this, well who ever bought a TV show or movie on PSN? The story says it all, people stream, they don't buy $20 DVD quality movies on PS
  4. https://www.gematsu.com/2021/03/playstation-store-to-discontinue-movie-and-tv-purchases-and-rentals-on-august-31 PlayStation will be a purveyor of GAMES ONLY👍 Great news.
  5. looks like another mid 60-s-70's western indie game Clanger
  6. Just picked up a few LRGs - Caladrius Blaze (PS4), Battle Garegga (PS4) and Danmaku Unlimited 3 (Switch)
  7. atleast its only 25 bucks, i'd quit the PSN sub but they give out AAA games too often.
  8. there is nothing on switch i'd like to play online and the NES/SNES games are worthless to me, i have no nostalgia for them. don't need a sub.
  9. dual sense is bigger, and heftier than the xbone controller. the triggers are much better too.
  10. but what about the SEGA acqusition? And the Kojima figurine on Phil's desk, next to his rainbow Dildo? surely they are scrambling for the $1 of gamepass revenue per month?
  11. not even hardcore gamers can keep up. It really isn't worth remembering all the xbox models anyways, all you need to know is not to buy one.
  12. so how is it with an install base of 0 Google was able to pen deals with Kojima and Suzuki, and MS still can't get shit for the past 6 years. Just goes to show, Phil Spencer has a 0 exclusives allowed policy and he's adamant to never serve his customers or spend a dime on them. complete conman.
  13. Also though Cooke, I'm begging you to return it. I know you won't be happy with it. why not just wait for PS5 DE's to come back in stock? Around the same price, plus with the instant PS+ collection you get like 20 AAA games for free, and world class sony ones at that. and then you also have a fully fledged PS5 which is currently outperforming XSX on all multiplats. That alone makes up for the small price difference. no matter which way you cut it XBONE S in underpowered, has no exclusive, and offers pretty much nothing good that Switch doesn't, you;ll only be getting a
  14. yeah this game is awesome but the amount of assets it must share with P5 are staggering. Why bog down what is essentially Persona 5-2 with dynasty warriors combat? What was stopping these guys from just doing a JRPG? switch version is excellent btw. So much of what dragged P5 down, like the endless walls of dialogue, text messages and etc are just so much easier to bare on switch. These games need to be played in handheld mode. While i'm scrolling through text i can cook a meal, walk around or just do other shit not being tethered to a TV.
  15. pretty much. Everytime i've succeeded the girl has been the one to like me first and i've never really had to do much. everytime i've tried i've failed. Once they see they have power over you you are done for. Be it either way better looking, smarter, more successful whatever. the power dynamic will never be in these guys favour. And when it isn't, she'll never picture you on top of her in bed.
  16. Kojima and Suzuki making exclusives for Stadia would have firmly put Stadia ahead of Xbox as the 3rd system. lemmings got really lucky google bailed out. Now Xbox and Stadia are basically on equal footing, just digital-only multiplat machines ignored by real gamers.
  17. Great news that the PC version is broken! Looking even more forward to starting this game. Hopefully the PC version gets no support and sells very little.
  18. Honestly, that's the only model I would buy and it would purely just be to play 360 games. even then, i'd rather just find an old unopened 360 slim so i could actually get discs.
  19. This Japanese dame says it best, and goes over why this State of Play failed so hard in Japan. The games are too western, the characters are so ugly, and japanese players were outraged at how bad this show was. Ugly western trash for the whole show until FF7. This isn't the way, Sony.
  20. they've probably had to cut a ton of servers, the Xbone Live network is a ghost town nowadays from what i've heard. Maybe 5-10 mil actual unique users, actively playing games.
  21. Time's up. From the announcement we can conclude this previous deal has been thrown out and Sony has doubled down on securing this game's exclusivity to extend onto the playstation 5.
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