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Posts posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. the more you look at it, japan studio didn't really do shit for a decade other than TLG/Deracine/Gravity Rush, all massive flops. GR2 online servers didn't even last a year lmao. They aren't immune to being shut down, they had nothing but flops for so long and it caught up to them.


    how much input could they have really had on Bloodborne, it's a FROMsoft game in every way imaginable. They'll be fine to do the sequel on their own.


    as for this, well who ever bought a TV show or movie on PSN? :rofl: The story says it all, people stream, they don't buy $20 DVD quality movies on PS store. Complete waste of time. Sony is trimming the fat

  2. Also though Cooke, I'm begging you to return it. I know you won't be happy with it.


    why not just wait for PS5 DE's to come back in stock? Around the same price, plus with the instant PS+ collection you get like 20 AAA games for free, and world class sony ones at that. and then you also have a fully fledged PS5 which is currently outperforming XSX on all multiplats.


    That alone makes up for the small price difference. no matter which way you cut it XBONE S in underpowered, has no exclusive, and offers pretty much nothing good that Switch doesn't,  you;ll only be getting a few worst versions of western multiplats switch wont get.


    complete waste of money unfortunately. Xbone S is the worst value platform on the market, it's only slightly better than XboneX because they both offer no exclusives, just one's cheaper.

  3. yeah this game is awesome but the amount of assets it must share with P5 are staggering. Why bog down what is essentially Persona 5-2 with dynasty warriors combat? What was stopping these guys from just doing a JRPG?


    switch version is excellent btw. So much of what dragged P5 down, like the endless walls of dialogue, text messages and etc are just so much easier to bare on switch. These games need to be played in handheld mode. While i'm scrolling through text i can cook a meal, walk around or just do other shit not being tethered to a TV.



  4. 1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    No, the problem is guys who have the mentality that  "winning over" women"is a thing. 

    pretty much. Everytime i've succeeded the girl has been the one to like me first and i've never really had to do much. everytime i've tried i've failed. :D 


    Once they see they have power over you you are done for. Be it either way better looking, smarter, more successful whatever. the power dynamic will never be in these guys favour. And when it isn't, she'll never picture you on top of her in bed. 


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