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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Too bad i guess this means no remaster of Crisis Core. it'll die on PSP forever. now i gotta get a PSP down the line.
  2. Look at the artstyle on this. looks like a better remake than FF7R Can't wait for this to hit Switch eventually
  3. free upgrade and saves transfer over atleast, glad i bought digital. I'm like 40% through the game so this is great for me. other than that, wow. what a shitty show
  4. what a show. completely awful. saved by FF7 atleast. hopefully the game will not be on XBOX or PC, ever?
  5. yeah, now we have to worry if blooper team really does have their floppy xbox-stink stained hands on the silent hill IP. what a let down that would be.
  6. fan of scary games? More cartoon shit. bullshit western scrap games. Move over Xbox, Sony is joining you in the PG-13 crowd.
  7. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/sources-playstation-is-winding-down-sony-japan-studio/ Fuck. They really are abandoning the Japanese market.
  8. sooo many shitty looking indie western games, looks like an xbox-level highlight reel. fuck
  9. The multiplayer fad is finished, GAAS is a failure, and gamepass will soon be unsustainable as well. just goes to show nobody likes Xbox's direction and that the real gamers will win in the end (Single player games, exclusives, walled garden, etc).
  10. it sucks that lost odyssey if owned by microsoft and can't be brought back. MS will leave it to rot forever. what an absolute unfair hand that game got dealt. on any other system it would have spawned sequels, hell it sold enough copies on 360 alone to justify a sequel, but MS had already pulled out of Japanese support. such BS.
  11. YES! honestly hyped as fuck for this release. Ninja Giaden 1 is up there with RE4 as one of the best games ever, to have all of these games in one physical package is a dream come true. NG1 and 2 I'm gonna force my way thru NG3 too
  12. Control, Medium and this all look like the same game to me 3rd person, ugly white female protag, generic visuals and environments that really don't stand out glad i swore off western games for good just trash all around
  13. looking like a 7.0 game to me just looks generic
  14. huge portion will be disgraced Xbone owners who were offput by MS lack of support and exclusives last gen. out of the 40 million Xbox one Boner-Owners, Sony will probably pick off 25% of them this gen. You'd literally have to be retarded to back MS this gen after how the xbox one went out. another big portion will be PC gamers who give up upgrading their knickknack parts in their pc and just want real games day 1, with the better visuals on PS5. A lot of PC gamers are giving up on PC and going Playstation.
  15. ^^^Satire? LMFAO! The black muslim queer deity these SJW loons have always wished for What a joke this turd was and probably still will be. hopefully it gets cancelled outright
  16. Remember MS backed this trash, ended their E3 with it, and Mike Ybarra had a mental breakdown on twitter when it flopped. Stupid ass Xbox always backing loser shit western propaganda games from hell. absolute trash brand
  17. you could tell GTsport was a much better game than Forza, which is now just recycled trash every year. There just wasn't any SP content there at launch. plus the fact that there's so many forza's kind of ruins the prestige of the game. One good sim racer per gen, where everything is handcrafted is the right path forward. GT7 is going to completely trounce 5 years worth of forza scrap, and it will have the quality expected from a japanese release.
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