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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. shit's gonna be like 10 minutes and feature nothing new, they can't compete with directs. 50 minutes of pure games announces is a nintendo only thing right now.
  2. all it will take for me is resident evil games coming out day and date and i will seriously sell my PS5.
  3. Paging the cows WE ATLUS NOW THEY ARE BELONG TO US Persona 5 Royal needs to come
  4. 74 on meta, reviewer couldn't play it properly. also, bravely default II in 3 days we win
  5. it will probably be delayed the whole gen. 2024 release incoming
  6. saw it coming, but it hurts. this is the exclusive i wanted the most on ps5 this year.
  7. they'll literally turn a dog inside out and boil it - all while alive. completely different that humanely killing livestock. it's barbarianism pure and simple. and they keep doing this shit which is why we're all wearing face diapers and locked in side for 2 years of our lives fucking morons
  8. he's gotta be one of the most interesting youtube personalities. British south african who lived in south africa until age 25, then moved to china till he was age 37, now that he's a youtube millionaire he's moved to L.A.
  9. yes that's serious. usually they cook shit alive.
  10. dog meat on every corner, eating racoons, re-frying gutter oil and cooking food with it, it's all real and its all there.
  11. who gives a shit, never supporting this franchise again. whatever they make will be trash like Gays 4,5 and that shitty PC game.
  12. watch if you want to see the real china
  13. when you have no respect for your exclusives, heritage and brand identity you have no respect for your consumers. these two collections contain two generations worth of the top Xbox games and they're all available on Playstation and elsewhere day one. Everytime, every single time Xbox had a defining title it would get ported away. there's no 'history' on Xbox because MS didn't make anything good themselves and the good games they did have from 3rd party, they let get ported away with 0 resistance. Even if they published the damned games they'd still get ported. What a
  14. garbage franchise? rofl literally in the top 5 franchises ever and every game is AAA+ everytime
  15. duess they're going to tell us what will stay multiplat. bet it will be everything good like TES, Fallout, etc. Indiana Jones obviously got revelead now because it's a multiplat too.
  16. my friend's dad has a store and somebody's mom brought in their son's videogame collection to get rid of, she sold him Haunting Ground for $5. was pretty much mint, too. dude is going to be pissed when he finds out.
  17. yeah, the console's been fetishized, nothing really good is left exclusive. Between Switch and Vita I didn't have a need for it anymore. I sold mine last year for a handsome sum. I miss the better versions of RE2 and 3, but other than that not much. It came to a point where I couldn't even get a solid connection with the console on any tv i owned, VGA being phased out on everything, and the sound constantly cutting off on HDMI which visually looked like ass either way. So much easier to just play the Vita. No fumbling with dumb cables or wired controllers and everythin
  18. i want windwaker, ocarina and majora's mask. even twilight princess i'd like to replay. literally the one zelda i didn't want.
  19. I;m getting bravely default II, P5S, and monhon within 1 month. then in april my import package arrives with Raiden iV, Furaiiki 4, and rolling gunner. Best console ever, honestly. JRPGs and SHMUPs out the ass. :bow:
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