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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. getting like half the games on the list. Time is now divided 99% switch 1% playstation.
  2. I saw a paki girl get cut basically in half by a train while crossing the tracks, the EMTs put her legs in a garbage bag and drove her to the hospital. She's one of those skateboard riding arms/torso people now last i heard.
  3. it's like actively being punished for contributing to the forum. no wonder it's a ghost town on this board.
  4. that's the kind of content German's like. restore ASAP
  5. Rebecca is awesome and we never learned what happened to Billy Cohen after RE0, dude just disappeared.
  6. DISASTER AVERTED https://www.gematsu.com/2021/02/rumor-silent-hill-game-by-prominent-japanese-developer-to-be-announced-this-summer SILENT HILL BY JAPANESE DEVELOPER TO BE ANNOUNCED THIS SUMMER
  7. dammit, merge my thread lets hope to god they aren't involved in SH. we all know SH is coming, but it needs to be by Sony or at the very least a japanese production for it to stand a chance. Blooper is just straight trash.
  8. https://www.gematsu.com/2021/02/bloober-team-working-on-horror-ip-with-very-famous-gaming-publisher Please tell me these clowns don't have their hands on silent hill. I bet Konami would be stupid enough to still outsource to a crap western dev like they did in the PS3 era. they haven't learned shit since.
  9. Love the artstyle on this. was only in the japanese direct.
  10. that danganronpa successor looked good, wish they port the danganronpa trilogy to switch though.
  11. honestly sigma 1 is just as good as black, the increased visuals were nice. it was just bait to use against cows because lems were butthurt the game got ported. sigma 1 was still in the top 3 PS3 games ever with Demon's souls and MGS4 Sigma 2 though was hit and miss. some extra sections with rachel but no blood and the gore was toned down from the 360 version. it ran a little bit better from what i remember. i skipped 3 after all the hate so i have no opinion of it.
  12. https://www.gematsu.com/2021/02/ninja-gaiden-master-collection-announced-for-ps4-xbox-one-switch-and-pc Disappointing to see this is a multiplat. Includes Sigma 1,2 and razor's edge.
  13. pretty disappointing show. 50 minutes long but besides the NG collection and the new octopath dev game, nothing really caught my eye or was new at all
  14. those joycon are going to be worth their weight in gold
  15. 40k people waiting in queue 4 hours left N Domination is truly worldwide. Nintendo directs on their own are E3-level events now. WE THE BEST! wonder what Nsclusive juggernauts will be revealed today
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