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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. well it's a perfect fit for Gears, a franchise that was once for men and now... isn't.
  2. damn, he was another one who seemed to be descending into madness now that i think about it too bad
  3. IT'S FREE through Subscription services therefore the score doesn't count
  4. mass effect 1 and 2 also won that generation for 360. most port begged games of all time.
  5. looks like another overdone remaster where they nuke the color palette and feel of the original with overproduced graphical effects that make them look like new areas.
  6. game was/is completely forgotten and the anouncement fell flat. another nothing/vaporware cgi trailer.
  7. i feel bad for this studio, after all the hype surrounding the studio the PD announcement just completely took the wind out of their sales. Imagine how much MS spent for such a lukewarm project that got 0 positive reaction. Not even 700k views after a year. That's horrible.
  8. it doesn't even matter to me at this point if it ends. 2-ish years of just straight demoralization means i'll have to deal with the effects of this for the next 5 years at least. fucking bat soup.
  9. Imagine how psychotic you have to be to be a man who identifies as a lesbian. madness, utter madness.
  10. his GF: they/them are a guy turned into a woman to fuck women. these people are so strange. Chop your dick off to fuck girls.
  11. Breaking news: Phil Spencer just signed the canned Stadia studios to become Microsoft's next first party studio, will remain focused on multiplatform development
  12. i just can't square away what i lost because of this virus. everything was taken from me, my job, the girl i was seeing. everything. the girl in question is a fucking IG model and i can't ever do better. have literally been suicidal for almost a year now. She's hot, she's going to be a lawyer, and i'm really not much to look at and a mere TEACHING ASSISTANT. when you guys find the one you love NEVER LET GO, do whatever the fuck you can and never give up
  13. https://www.ign.com/articles/judgment-xbox-series-x-s-ps5-stadia-release-date-april Judgement will be ported to PS5/Suckies consoles this april. PC will not be included. will finally get this. Xflop version is a disappointment but atleast there's no PC thanfully.
  14. blair witch is one of the worst horror games i've ever played next to maybe evil dead on Dreamcast.
  15. the medium will be on PS5 by year's end, maybe even by season's end lmao another 3-6 month exclusive like blair witch
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