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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. well i was confirmed right as we can all see, Sega's completely restructuring after this game's floppage. should have known they were in trouble when they signed with MS for the yakuza games. MS can only afford damaged devs and ip Beyond yakuza, sega is pretty much dead and offers nothing to gaming currently. Unfortunately they own ATLUS, which is and always will be a prestigious brand producing bangers for Switch and Sony. ATLUS needs to separate, there's no other way.
  2. this means he's been removed from the business side where he can't make failed deals with Devil Spencer to sell out Yakuza to a bargain bin streaming service for casual xbox/PC gamers who can't afford games.
  3. *And all the games will still be available day one on Playstation 5 like Bethesda games will be.
  4. Game's a bit of a clanger other than this outfit: one of the weaker resident evil games
  5. Still seething after losing that80 hour save. can't fucking believe it. fuck Dr. Maruki
  6. so 9/10 people will be playing this on PC. who here actually even bought an XSX?
  7. dropping this in here. first come first served. B10217X30QS19DBB RE: Revelations 2 for Nintendo Switch (full game download). for some reason I have two of these codes.
  8. honestly, this is where launching on xbox is a huge mistake for devs. we'll never get a true quality assessment. that metacritic has 10's, 95's and then 40's and 30's sprinkled in. I mean we all know everyone hates xbox and anything they release will inevitably be flooded with poor scores, but when major sites are in 80-90 range, and then 30's and 40's come in you have to be suspect. this only happens for xbox games.
  9. 70's on metacritic but i won't lie, this is the first time since gears of war 4 in 2016 where i've been excited about an xbox 'exclusive' game. I mean i liked janky horror games like evil within 1 and silent hill homecoming so i'd probably like this. pretty sure GS went way over average with observer and 9.0'd it as well, they must have a hard-on for bloober team.
  10. switch is selling more copies of resident evil and it doesn't even get the new games. Playstation is literally selling 10 times the amount of games. resident evil is probably around the same. 10:1 in favour of playstation
  11. Soon Packaged software for Xbox will cease to exist. https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/data/pdf/annual/2020/annual_2020_01.pdf Capcom is pushing for digital distribution how much longer until smaller capcom releases just skip xbox all together?
  12. they went from selling under 50k units of xbone per month to maybe 500k suckiesX|asS models i suppose.
  13. 49 for PS5 alone, 24 for all xflop consoles combined. we can assume that xbox one makes up atleast half of that 24 so 12% for suckies X and 49% for PS5. ps5 must be outselling the SuckiesX by 5 to 1 right now.
  14. ill snag one if i can, bound to be worth over $1000 eventually like the last one for MHXX
  15. yeah this game is doomed to 70's or 60's, no gameplay or combat to speak of. it's xbox straight to gamepass fodder so it will never be aaa. hopefully in 3 months when the improved PS5 version comes they atleast add a fucking gun, or a fucking plank of wood to hit enemies with. Blair witch lasted 7 weeks as an Xshit 'exclusive' , the multiplat pos will never keep even a PC shared multiplat. Playstation is guaranteed. silent hill successor my ass. another indie walking sim for Xshit and of course, a day one PC launch lame as fuck
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