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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. https://www.gematsu.com/2021/01/nioh-director-no-current-plans-for-nioh-3-but-hopes-to-return-to-series-in-the-future-ninja-gaiden-news-coming-soon looks like Nioh will be taking a good few years off. Now it's time for NG to come back in the spotlight. I'm sure Nioh 2 flopped in sales catastrophically and was significantly down from the 1st
  2. Use this thread to call out FRAUDS who were weak-willed and absent minded enough to fall for the hype of cyberjunk 2020 a.k.a the worst game ever made. These people have low IQ, and are easily manipulated. Don't count on them for much, let alone game recommendations. They can be fooled even by the sleaziest conmen, so how smart can they really be? -Kaz Inept German who will soon be deported from the country. Any confronatation with him will result in an emotional breakdown, KAZ smiley, personal insults, and swear words. expect a lot of other smileys as well.
  3. When Nintendo and Sony are putting out this much quality content there really is no space for a 3rd place competitor. PC and Xbox just need to go awy and stop wasting everyone's time. 2 successful platforms is enough, there was never space for 3. Thankfully Xbox has failed out of the marketplace and PC simply exists as a poor person's alternative to console. If you can't afford games or don't really care enough about the hobby to buy physical games, or games at all for that matter, then i can see why you'd get a PC just to pirate games as a side-distraction on your office equipment
  4. Cod's dead, essentially a F2P game at this point MS would need to lead in marketshare to get deals like that again. won't happen this gen. maybe in 10 years, next gen when we're 45 years old it's over
  5. looking at the japanese PSN store is depressing, it's littered with trash that has zero appeal to Japanese gamers. It seriously looks like the Xbox One store from ~2013, where they just straight up list english UbiShit titles and EA crap that doesn't even support Japanese language options most of the time. Then when you add in the X/O button swap for PS5, taking 20 years of tradition and throwing it out the window in Asia, where 'O' is literally used as a hand gesture to mean confirm, and 'X' is a negative, it's clear that Sony is failing because they've decided to Westernize PlayS
  6. the mech SRPG segments are fun as hell. and that girl with those legs, damn went back and promptly picked up the past 3 vanillaware games (Odin Sphere, Dragon's Crown, and Muramasa). on Vita before they become impossible to find new. they were expensive but whatever Makes me sad that this game wa sonce in development for VITA but got cancelled. I would have loved to have this style of game on a handheld. 40 hours of text heavy gaming tethered to a console really sucks, wish i could take this wherever i go.
  7. i won't be getting into Microsoft's ecosystem ever again. I have 0 interest in anything they produce. Only the ill-gotten Bethesda/tango gameworks, but then again those studios will continue to produce for PlayStation 5, so I won't have to. I'll never give them one dime until they restructure the Xbox brand away from the SJW lifestyle brand they've turned it into. Xbox is the enemy of everything I stand for on a moral level, then there's the shady business practices, the complete lack of exclusives, and the shitty first party output in general. Phil would a
  8. GREAT NEWS! It looks like RetardEra has unearthed devastating proof that Gamepass for PC is a dangerous app that PERMANENTLY damages hard drives and your PC! https://www.resetera.com/threads/gamepass-pc-is-a-ticking-time-bomb-that-results-in-permanently-lost-hdd-ssd-space-unless-you-nuke-windows.340696/ no matter what you do, you can't undo Gamepass's damage. this trojan horse streaming service full of mediocre 5.0 western scrap, commodified and spoon fed to desperate PC gamers, needs to be stopped. Play your X360 Pity ports with caution, PC lo
  9. P5 Royal FF7R this is nudging out FF7 for me, though p5 is still unmatched. PS4 cleaned house last year. all during a pandemic as well, where B-rate devs like Microsoft/343 and CDDefekt couldn't even manage even one game, and kept giving pathetic excuses LOL always bet on the Japanese
  10. I never thought Poles could be such conmen but goddamn. this game has completely destroyed PC gaming, and PC in general.
  11. only games worth more than $10 on the secondhand market now are the japanese only Yakuza Ishin! For PS4, and Judgement for PS4 - the only games that haven't been ported and dumped onto Gamepass like a $2 whore. thanks MicroDick, and PC gaming. .ISO files on Piratebay right now for PC as well. Xbox should have to reimburse all physical copy buyers on PS4. To Hell with gamepass, to HELL with it. What a nightmare for collector's and physical buyers who want to OWN their software. No wonder hardcore gamers all hate Xbox and PC
  12. just got this game, what a masterpiece There is nothing else like this on the market. Vanillaware artsyle is unmatched. Strong GOTY 2020 contender, don't sleep on this game
  13. The game's already lining bargain bins. E.T might have competition, soon CYBERCHUNK will line landfills worst game ever made
  14. you've been the biggest purveyor of this rotten piece of trash on this forum, your opinion/taste/word is suspect from here on out. take the L
  15. i'll probably go PS4 with this, impressions from Japan are that the Switch version doesn't run so well. I would usually get every JRPG on Switch but this isn't really a JRPG, and with a million enemies on screen and fast paced combat things are bound to get choppy.
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