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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. there is nothing to rationalize. between PS5 and Switch there is nothing I can't play. I have never wanted an xbox or PC game, ever. There is literally 0% chance they release something i want. The closest they've come in 5 years is moneyhatting Yakuza LAD's next gen upgrade for 3 months, but even then, i know it'll hit PS5 and probably run better there too. XBOX IS DEAD!
  2. there isn't a single game that Xbox/PC has aside from Resident Evil 2/3/7 that i'd want on switch. That's 3 games, 2.5 if you count Resi 7 cloud version. The list of games that Switch has over Xbox will probably be over 100 games by gen's end. then there's also the fact that switch has differntiated itself enough from PS5 to stand on its own, and Xbox is literally just a Playstation with a lot less games/a PC with slightly less games. Xbox is literally in a limbo/no man's land of being a complete useless platform/anomaly in this industry. No exclusives, no
  3. the life a Spermit, begging for free trash from years ago. PC gaming was a mistake
  4. he blew past the fact that this game is broken shit on PC, and next gen consoles regardless. He refers to PS4/Bone like they're leppers, but literally every other dev can put out working cross gen games but CDPolishtrashRed. As if he didn't know he was conning 90% of the customers for this game CDPR should shut down after this.
  5. i signed up for the beta for whatever this is. hopefully i get selected, but what a headache to migrate your old capcom/ambassador account. site barely works and kept timing out. Then it asks you to link twitter and other gay media accounts to increase your chances of selection, as if. considering the beta is for PS4/Bone, whatever it is is cross gen because it specifically said you'd be able to play on PS5 or Boner S|X, but it's a last gen build. might not be resident evil 8 related at all, this event just keeps getting better and better.
  6. can't wait to see what exclusive goodies they have lined up for PS5
  7. thye've charted when not released on DirtBox 1 http://segabits.com/blog/2018/05/22/yakuza-6s-records-biggest-series-launch-in-us-sales-history/ sad to see this game die thanks to PC and especially Xbox Gamepass, like i said, has cheapened this series to 'rental status' $6 a pop filler fuck you windows/CompanionBox casuals
  8. UPDATE:https://www.resetera.com/threads/how-did-yakuza-like-a-dragon-perform-in-the-west.358324/ Disaster confirmed: Yakuza didn't even chart in the top 20. Game was a sales catastrophe and Sega is rethinking western support entirely. Time to pull Kiryu out of retirement. This new style of game and multiplatform has been rejected. Phil should have to pay out of his pocket to redeem this. Xbox scumbags sink another 1
  9. what a piece of hot garbage.anyone invested in this game is a moron. Q4 for next gen upgrade LMFAO this has overtaken TLOU2 as worst game of all time officially. 1/10 trash
  10. It’s probably because nobody has an Xbox and they actually want to umm, you know, play the game. when you’re being outsold 10:1 you don’t really get the luxury of exclusives, and don’t worry ms themselves know this. this game will be on ps5 and probably have exclusive content on there too. be lucky you’re even getting the game at all on Xbox, and this isn’t another ghost wire/ death loop situation.
  11. is this the next multiplat Xboners are going to rally behind to combat PS exclusives? Going to be embrassing when it runs better on PS5, hell probably have exclusive content there too, courtesy of Microsoft. Most likely outcome? It's another broken, buggy, budget bethesda 4.0 clanger.
  12. i just bought MGS2/3 on Vita, was suprised to see it was a bluepoint game. all of this hype over metal gear is from that dumb paragraph of nonsense they posted, and they probably only cite MGS in it because... they did the ports for 2 and 3. nothing else will come out of this. still the best intro in any game ever.
  13. look honestly liquid, gouko and nitric. i've probably know you guys for 20+ years at this point, nothing that you preach is worth hating anybody for. This whole political divide is dumb as hell, nobody is far gone enough to disown somebody for their political beliefs. this is one of the dumbest things i've ever encountered in my entire existence on this earth. None of this is real or matters at all. I don't think BLM are terrorists nor do I think Trump supporters are. A lot of Trump supporters have pretty much experienced the black experience. Harassed by the gov't or police, look
  14. going to join Malakius in the ban half the forum group level of butthurt?
  15. what's racist about it? You have the IQ of a peanut, don't even game and only post here for lifestyle wars.com. Fucking hack bastard.
  16. i've been meaning to get the Vita game before it inevitably gets pulled from sale and the physical copy becomes worth some dough. Honestly, the resistance games were better, 1950's sci-fi alien invasion at least made that series differentiate itself enough. seems that both Resistance and Killzone were products of their time, they served a purpose back then when Halo was all the rage and Sony couldn't mention COD without getting a lawsuit. now that Halo is dead, COD is aligned with PS and both guerilla and insomniac are on beloved IPs like spiderman and horiz
  17. They also said the problems 343i are facing are exacerbated due to the fact that everyone is working from home. imagine what a shitshow a team of 300 contract workers working from home must be Nothing is getting done right now. then of course MS has a strict 'No crunch' policy to appease the SJW sensibilities, so this game will basically be shit guaranteed.
  18. lmfao it's true, literally every photographer i know is gay, Chinese, or both. they all get to take pictures of hot chicks/modelling shoots though, so I guess it would be creepy for the girl if it were a straight dude.
  19. i was surprised to see the RE engine logo on this game. I hope this means the doors are opened up for ports of RE2 and 3. 3 especially has very little going on and can be easily made to fit on a switch cart. capcom really needs to stop with their dumb compilations where 2/3rds of the games are download codes. can't believe i have a resident evil 0 cartridge for switch but somehow REmake was a code. Dumbest shit ever
  20. i remember hearing on a podcast that this entire shitshow of a game is built on contract work, so you'll basically get news every few weeks that someone is leaving. each person is responsible for a little piece of the game and then they're promptly forced out the door. this is how 343 works and why every project they stamp their name on is a disaster. Most people pass through, get 'Halo' on their resume, and then fuck off to do other things. It's another example of poor management on MS's part.
  21. i can see reviewers complaining that it feels like a step back from world, but i prefer this as primarily someone who only really enjoyed MH on handhelds. Persona Strikers and Bravely default II feb 26, then MH:Rise a month later. It feels so good to have a platform that just gets assaulted by Japanese \/weeb games every day. SWITCH
  22. Everybody i disagree with is a terrorist i am being terrorized by opposing viewpoints, google maps me the nearest safe space location please. let them know when i get there, I like my hot chocolate with soy milk, and marshmellows inside
  23. It was a simple protest until some bad actors came in and the shit hit the fan. Pretty much like every BLM 'protest' for the past year especially when you set the precedent that not only is this behaviour acceptable, you can even influence the media and the way people think if you make a big enough stink, I don't blame Trump supporters for following the example set all year. This is of course quickly labeled terrorism as the left loves to call white people terrorists for some reason. You aren't reclaiming the arab guy with a turban and a big beard image and putting it
  24. We should all follow a one party system like the CCP, no one who opposes Joe Biden should be allowed to speak. Deplatform all who oppose King Joe and the impending crowning ceremony. Dissenters shall be fired and have their livelihood taken away. I hear there's a few Trump supporters held up in an attic somewhere, we should find them.
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