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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. PC/PS4/PS5/Switch, a true Xcluded game. Looks aside, i'm playing the first Ryza game now and it's really good, standard JRPG fare but the combat sets it apart. It's got that Tecmo/ninja gaiden/super combo vibe to it. First game is like an 8, but the second one's gonna take it over the top
  2. Atelier's breakout moment happens January 26th the next AAA JRPG juggernaut
  3. it's probably cheaper for microsoft to keep using duracells they get for a fraction of the price thanks to the deal, then to develop a new internal battery and produce and supply them with every controller. they also then get to upsell you the play and charge kit which is probably pure profit for them. they also already leverage the controller by selling as my color options as possible. they have done almost 1 million colors so far because controllers are dirt cheap to produce, and are a high return item much more so than a console or a game. this also would
  4. no more beer runs at 10:30, can't pass the mcDonalds drive thru at 1 am, can't go for a run at 3 am, can't go to bars, can't sit inside a cafe and have a cup of coffee, can't buy 'leisure' goods at walmart and all 'non-essential' shops are closed. Looked around for a PSN card, wasn't allowed to buy it. Walmart sectioned off to only allow sales of groceries. Self-checkout blocked and you have a bunch of employees there just to watch what you buy and make sure you aren't buying anything you're not supposed to. vaccines being given out first to 95 year olds (One dose at t
  5. mandatory lockdown + curfew and no one can leave their house from 8pm-4:59 am here for 1 month. What a nightmare this province is. 0 personal freedom. fuck canada honestly, the entire country is retarded and completely overblowing covid. I don't give a shit what's going on, i can leave my house whenever i damn well please.
  6. this bitch is so annoying, she needs to just disappear from the limelight for awhile
  7. yeah, everyone i know who has an xbox inevitably shells out for the $40 rechargeable battery pack. you kind of need it unless you want to spend hundreds of dollars on shitty batteries. so from now on we should all consider the xbox controller a $100+ controller. all for last gen tech with dumb batteries, and shittier triggers, last gen rumble, and no touch pad. atleast they finally caught up with the share button. what a fall from grace from the 360 where they hands down had the best controller. Xbox right now, has the worst controller of the big 3. they've been
  8. called it. everyone knows it's completely retarded to use these things as you have to constantly shell out the cash for them. There's no doubt a huge portion of duracells sales come from dumb ass xflop owners.
  9. just snagged both Ori games, both have MS 3rd party branding on the package. Xbox Game Studios 'Nothing to with MS"
  10. damn this game sucks a big chinese dick absolutely dreadful visuals for PS4, let alone PS5
  11. the U.S gov't decided that space exploration takes the back seat to helping out bums and other minority group programs. unfortunately this won't change any time soon with budden in office.
  12. we must stop PC and take down the pity port brigade brought upon by MS and other multiplat dump companies. Gaming is at stake. No more $5 subscription dumps of multiplats ISO's. This is the end. We are taking gaming BACK!
  13. PC gaming is the enemy and must be stopped at all costs. 2021 is the year. you have the power. Stop PC pity ports. We can all play out part. STOP PC!
  14. yeah, it's kind of like old silent hill games minus all of the style and attitude. atleast they got Yamaoka on board. combat (or lackthereof) will surely break this game. doesn't look like there's much. if it's just running away from enemies then no one will like it.
  15. it's crazy, nobody even knows who is making half of nintendo's first party but they all manage to put out AAA's. You telling me LM3 was made by Canadians? Here I thought it was Japanese.
  16. Looks great and creepy as hell. A True oldschool survival horror game. Could use less narration for every little thing, but kids nowadays need their hands held to solve even the most simple puzzles. Now hopefully they can doll up the visuals and get the load times down when the superior playstation 5 version launches. I'll definetly be getting the PS5 RGE after MS's mediocre 6-8 week exclusivity periods, as it always does (No exclusives allowed as per Phil Spencers guidelines). The ISO gets dumped on steam and gamepass Jan 28 so not too long to wait until the real physical c
  17. no absolutely not. ryza 2 will be a stellar game and cyberjunk is honestly criminal trash western gaming is a joke and i onl;y play japanese games. Ryza 2 CE paid, day 1 TLHBR
  18. I'm going to make it my new years resolution 2021 to harass and belittle PC gamers and the PC platform as much as possible. I will be the thorn in your side all year. I will take PC gaming down this year. mark my words
  19. LMFAO! If anything proves how poor and pathetic hermits are, and how little they have to play, a dead ass 6.0 Xflop scrap from 2017 is the best-selling game next to Cyberjunk. what an absolute dumping ground platform the PC is. these beggars patheticness knows no bounds. SO SAD!
  20. Pre-ordered and paid in full. this game will destroy Cyberjunk in metacritic scores, reception and overall quality. Gust is ascending thanks to Nintendo Switch and of course, SOLD OUT and worth hundreds more dollars already on eBay That's something Cyberjunk and all PC digital-only scrap will never be worth. Especially Cyberjunk which will soon line bargain bins for $5 and be thrown around like the worthless garbage it is. NO MORE!
  21. Cyberjunk flopping should be a cause for celebration for console owners. This marks a turning point away from everything PC gaming stands for and people are starting to take notice. -NO MORE games that target a range/variety of spec'd machines. that means NO stupid settings that aren't needed, make a game for ONE CONSOLE and unify the experience. All of the technical issues would cease to exist of CD Defekt developed exclusively for PlayStation 5 (Which they will be forced to do in the future looking at market trends) - NO MORE Ugly PC-style aesthetics and dumb 'compute
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