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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Bungie should be next on Sony's pickup list, they've been doing incredible things on PlayStation hardware for a generation now. Can't wait to see Destiny continue to slap Halo around for another gen. FPS as a genre is just completely dominated by PS at this point. The Shooter Station
  2. this was the last tomb raider in the trilogy and i never got around to it after middling reviews, ready to put that franchise behind me after this. Looks like it's going to need an entire reboot all over again after this. tr 2013 and rise both owned though
  3. all are a result of CD Defekt's PC-first style of development. Hopefully this opens their eyes and they are very careful with the Witcher 4, it should be a PlayStation 5 exclusive to maximize a closed ecosystem. CD Defekt needs to never make another PC game again. that's the best option for them.
  4. Better than Xshit X entire launch lineup and MS's entire 2020 1P output. V has come to SONY
  5. So excited for this. Its so good to see this franchise return home to Nintendo after that bloated, overproduced piece of shit MH World almost killed the franchise. Just need word that the PC version will be cancelled and this will be my most anticipated title of 2021.
  6. And, when you DO prioritize PC, you're being ANTI-CONSUMER. Especially now that PS5 is more powerful than every PC, there's no excuse to target PC as a base spec for your game, when PC's vary to such an extreme degree. For instance you have supercomputers, PS5-level PC specs, medium specs, low specs, and at the bottom, Lemij's Pentium 2 PC. the smartest way to make a technically demanding game is to 1) prioritize Playstation (market leader and highest specs) and 2) create a Switch-specific version with extra features and time added to development to offset the technica
  7. i'm no fan of his, but to treat Swery like that when they've been friendly on twitter for years is just disgusting. Pretty sure they were somewhat friends. Jim's DP1 review is what directly led to its cult status. what a snake.
  8. that sucks. there are some places in ShenZhen where you can build an iphone out of a parts bin if you wanted to.
  9. can't wait for these guys to get taken down like CD Defekt Red, another completely overrated Western publisher turning out nothing but tasteless trash for decades now.
  10. And has a mental breakdown/Social Justice tirade about the game too. FF to 15:50. What a lowdown, disgusting fatass. Like he mentioned, deadly premonition made his career and is the only reason his rotund, offensive, tub of lard is on display for us all to see today. No honor, and no shame. Offend the gaming media's sensibilities, or don't play by their rules, and they'll turn on you like an angry dog. Poor Swery, he's had countless interactions with this scoundrel as well. What an insult. One of the top games this yea
  11. want ninja gaiden back so bad, nioh just isn't for me. the trilogy did get put on the korean ratings board so it's pretty much confirmed that NG will be coming back in some capacity.
  12. Physical copies of past Yakuza games also selling now for pennies on the dollar on the secondhand market. The great Gamepass ISO Dump of all the past titles, in f2p/subscription format is the direct cause. The entire franchise is now cheapened as a result. infuriating to see Gamepass's disastrous effect on physical collector's, just as I predicted. It's all coming to a fever pitch. Any franchise gamepass pollutes will suffer the same fate, and this is what Microsoft wants. They've simply used Yakuza as their guinea pig, and have done so percisely to water down a beloved
  13. Game is down to half price already and apparently the PS5 version is a free upgrade if you have the PS4 disc. The PS5 release, 4 months later will essentially amount to a fart in the wind, taking into account how frontloaded game sales are, and apparently there is no physical copy for the PS5 in the retail channel as far as I can see. So, generating any revenue from the PS5 version is basically not even an option. How will they recoup the disastrous sales? I hope it was worth it, Sega. This franchise is dead on the table after this. I know we all say we want to see Xbox
  14. Also what happened to Conman Spencer not wanting to keep games away from others? Why break his limp-wristed 'no exclusives allowed' mantra for this game, of all games? He directly put this game in harm's way by locking it away from its home userbase and ~90% of its potential customers. this game would have been a smash hit as a playstation 5 launch title, exclusively. What a fiasco this has all been. Hopefully Phil will apologize after seeing these disastrous sales #'s what a clown.
  15. all of the hardcore cred this game had is dead. it used to be so cool when it was an underground Japanese playstation 4 exclusive. now they even translate the voice of the games to english, bastardizing the japanese original. These games should never have English voice. this franchise is toast unless they can re-position the next game with Playstation and go back to the series roots. hate to say it but everything about LAD needs to be scrapped. whoever made these decisions at SEGA needs a swift kick in the ass.
  16. What a disaster this game's release has been. A failed marketing attempt by Xbox to delay the PS5 upgrade out of the console's launch window, combined with a new multi-format release cheapening the franchises worth by porting to PC and Xbox day one, has resulted in emergency firesales for the game, which is now already lining bargain bins. Yakuza 6 for instance, which launched as a PlayStation 4 exclusive, outsold Yakuza LAD (which is available on PS4, Bone, Boner X|S, and PC). SEGA also sold their soul to the GamePass devil, hard-dumping all of the digital files for Yakuza 3,4,5,
  17. prettylittlething appears to be streetwear and not prostitutes as previously thought.
  18. yeah, they told me the name used on the transactions and what was bought. size 14 gear so i assume fat, but who knows. looking more and more like she will be caught.
  19. Also, ND is a racist company that hates white people and white men, why are they allowed to stay in business? They should be forced out of the industry for racism. the hatred they espouse has 0 place in this industry. disgusting brand and shitty games.
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