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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. yeah, anyways CC company figured it out, it was some fat black chick who ordered a bunch of gawdy black girl clothes and other fatass paraphernalia, the two Sports shops were a bunch of those Air Jordan Clown shoes in a variety of sizes. what a scumbag. Hope she atleast got the ones with the light up heels.
  2. tlou 2 has to be one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made. what a colossal trainwreck it was, completely hated by gamers. i wonder how much naughty cuck and cuckmann paid to have the media on their side. you can tell the reception to taht rotten piece of shit is completely fake and orchestrated by cuckmann's butt buddies in the media, the initial reception was piss poor and everyone hated it. that game flopped worse than anything in history. rotten gut-wrenching, stank piece of FLOP TRASH. fuck tlou2 and anyone ho paid money for it in anyway, you should b
  3. it's close between those two, but honestly both are such catastrophic failures we can't use the word 'flop', flop just isn't enough. Both games are criminal pieces of trash that actively seek to rip-off and con gamers. Rotten pieces of junk the two, but TLOU2 takes it--absolutely no redeeming qualities in that title, and the honest truth is that the dishonest gaming media chose to prop it up even after it flopped, due to political bias. They kept that game afloat when it deserved to be panned, was a colossal bomb and completely flopped in gamers reception. CyberJunk tho
  4. up to a $17,200 limit. not sure if that's good or bad, but come along way from a broke asshole with a card maxxed out. I almost feel happy about it, it means the conman knew i had a healthy card to steal from.
  5. Monster Hunter Rise will be forcibly ported to PC by the end of 2021, All because Capcom needs to leverage the communist China shithole, a country where consoles have a limited availability. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2020/12/nintendo_paid_around_usd6_million_for_monster_hunter_rises_timed_exclusivity_on_switch Poor peasant ass, anti-freedom 3rd world countries are the reason why PC keeps getting its grimey meathooks on games. this needs to stop. we as gamers need to do something to prevent these games from going to PC, just because dirthole countries only game on PC
  6. had just paid off my card too, and had my limit re-upped by the bank literally the day before. Seems like one of the call-centre people at the bank, maybe even the fucker who called me to up my limit. on christmas day no less, evil scum! looks like they ordered a bunch of crap online and then got a prostitute om prettylittlethings.com. Anyway, called in the fraud but now my card is deactivated and i can't purchase anything on the PSN sale. Fuck!
  7. It's the no man's land of gaming and a lawless dumping ground, it was never meant to be a gaming platform, it's office equipment and a tool, nothing more. Think of Sony and Nintendo as custodians of quality software, without the proprietary platform it's all a worthless mess. PC, and Xbox both have no place in gaming. No exclusives, get the fuck out, end of story. both are FAKE platforms.
  8. this needs a translation badly. it's filmed on a 360 camera, like really going for a ride trough japan. and then you mack anime girls you meet throughout the trip Japan saves gaming again
  9. so at this rate, we're looking at 3-5 years before PCs catch up with playstation 5, and even then most hermits won't have an SSD as fast. Xbox of course is neutered from the start due to lack of support, poor toolset, and no exclusive games to show off whatever substandard hardware MS has put in the new 'Bone. If you're a gfx whore, it's looking like playstation is the only option. So everyday gaming will be done on switch, and like a fine set of china, you take out the PS5 for special occasions. 😉 PC and Xbox left on the curb as usual.
  10. Absolutely incredible news! Like taking a virtual tour through some of Japan's most beautiful locales, this new entry will take you on a motorcycle adventure through Gifu prefecture. https://www.gematsu.com/2020/12/fuuraiki-4-debut-trailer-gameplay-details-and-screenshots Title: Fuuraiki 4 Genre: Travel Adventure Platforms: PlayStation 4, Switch Release Date: April 22, 2021 (Japan) Price: 6,980 yen (7,678 yen with tax) Director: Tatsuya Shiina Character Designer: kotatiyu CERO Rating: Pending Offi
  11. hermits are upset. their one game this year, and it's a mediocre multiplat on top of it, colossally flopped and disappointed. it's so bad sony had to step in and lay down the law on CDDefekt. You aren't allowed to steal from hardworking playstation customers. Sorry CDDefekt. thank you to whoever made this call at sony. Keeping CDDefekt's conman trash off the PSN should be a priority from now on.
  12. $10 says this thing will get more exclusives titles than XBONE X Exclusives: 1. Switch 2. PS5 3. PC 4. Apple Arcade 5. Amazon 6. KFConsole ... 7? Bone/Boner X down to 7th for MS.
  13. the game looks so trashy anyways. what an ugly take on cyberpunk, and what a colossal flop. Thank you Sony for quickly removing this trash from the PSN. Awesome to see such great customer service from Sony. CDDefekt should not be allowed to publish on playStation after this.
  14. i've started to quite like these pervy games after dead or alive xtreme 3, i like how they spit in the face of everything the failed western games industry stands for. After playing so many ugly lesbian shooters from the west this stuff is so refreshing and good for a laugh. Lighthearted fun at its best. I'm going to give this a download on the e-shop to support the developer, it's probably going to be $10 or less anyways.
  15. hopefully this really damages PC gaming. I have a dream... that no one will ever be allowed to game on PC, ever again.
  16. Persona 5 Royal Catherine: Full Body Resident Evil 3 Final Fantasy 7 Remake Demon's Souls Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore Aleste Collection Deadly Premonition 2 don't think i played 10 games this year it's killing me to play persona on PS as i've been holding out on a switch version, but good god is it JRPG perfection. Shibuya is also pretty much a 1:1 creation, feels like i've walked those spots in real life. the game just oozes style. It was on sale for half price and i couldn't hold out any longer. Switch port n
  17. the game is irrelevant, it just goes to show how poorly thought out MS strategy is they're killing small developers with their stupid decision to release so many hardware iterations, all with different specs No one will bother to scale their smaller games to 4 failed XBONES that all don't even amount to a decent enough sales figure MS is walking into trouble
  18. https://www.gematsu.com/2020/12/gal-gun-returns-for-xbox-one-cancelled OMFG I just made a thread about this skipping PS4. The kiss of death to small niche developers is trying to support MS's plethora of failed console revisions. What an absolute nightmare to develop for FOUR differently spec'd consoles, and PC, all under the same umbrella. A colossal waste of time for devs. TLHBR more of this to come surely
  19. Firstly, for the lemmings: I have given to you the gift of an exclusive game I know you're farmiliar with this, as you gave it to us last christmas, but this is the better-running, better framerate version. I know how much you want an exclusive to call your own, and while it doesn't look likely that it will happen in 2021, or ever again, feel free to have back your one AAA FauXclusive this gen. RE-GIFTED! Next, cows, you'll be needing this: As Nintendo has decided that your crown Jewel SRPG franchise, Disgaea 6 will not be receiving an english
  20. what a year for playstation. P5R, FF7, Ghost of Tsushima, TLOU 2 (lol), Demon's Souls, Spider-Man, and more. all in the year of a global pandemic. all in a year where Microsoft couldn't even get one game out. There's never been a disparity like this in my entire lifetime playing videogames. Sony has officially ascended to untouchable status.
  21. sony exclusives are the king of graphics and nothing comes close. this is what happens when you take the care to craft exclusive titles for your hardware. Playstation has surpassed PC visuals officially . PS5 is better than every PC.
  22. welcome home capcom. it's about time to recieve some 1st class, exclusive treatment from them once again. their past switch releases have been nothing to write home about, that all changes in 2021 with this, rise, and stories 2. Next we deserve a fully exclusive resident evil game made for switch. Incredible
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