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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Honestly, everything about this game looks like shit. the artstyle has to be the fugliest shit i've ever seen, and that piss yellow color they use on all their marketing materials Something like Observer:System redux is incredibly more visually appealing in terms of the cyberpunk aesthetic. this just looks like rainbow colored shit
  2. absolutely, i'm much more excited for that. and they showed gameplay. and yet again, another nothingness renderered concept video like phantom dust and everything else MS pulled out of the vault, then either fumbled or cancelled. initiative is a disaster
  3. https://www.gematsu.com/2020/12/microsoft-and-the-initiative-announce-perfect-dark-for-xbox-series-pc PERFECT DARK? MS is creatively bankrupt. why is there no thread on this, did anyone even care? This announcement went completely unnoticed. what a letdown.
  4. expected as much, the big shocker is that switch won the month. unstoppable console. As for XFlop Series X, it's an incredibly less desirable product than xbox one was at launch, even with the bungled TVTVTVT reveal. Xbox One had exclusives. It will only get worse for Xbox from here on out. PS5's lead will eclipse even the PS4's over Xbox One. so by gen's end it'll be closer to 3:1, and then things are going to get very very bad for MS. WE'RE WITNESSING THE CULLING OF THE XBOX BRAND, it's only a matter of time before halo is on playstation.
  5. Also, the game has been hidden ever since that disastrous gameplay reveal stinkfest emergency redesign from the ground up lol
  6. Honestly dynamitecop is cursed, literally every prediction he makes is fated to turn out the opposite. He was the one thing that really worried me on election night and look at how that turned out, when he predicted trump winning I began to know the end was near
  7. Thankfully not tlou2, nothing will make me happier than seeing that piece of rotten shot lose.
  8. sold them for other shit, between the Vita, PS5 and Switch I can play any of the old games that matter to me without taking up too much space. Vita is a beast for PS1 games
  9. great news, looking like PS5 is the definitive version. hopefully a lot of bugs and issues on PC, hermits need to get back in their hole.
  10. It's OK, beyond some Politically correct grovelling at the end which would have never happened in WW2. Game was a shadow of COD2 and WaW, but probably the best we'll get for a WW2 game in the next 5 decades atleast. There;s no place for a decent, accurate WW2 game in today's climate.
  11. will be buying to hurt the trans community. DAY ONE!
  12. Still imagine the mentality of a company that would pay up for 24 months kiss your pc scrap dreams goodbye
  13. Sony is downright vicious curbstomping these hermits. NEVER ON PC 24 month window, holy shit. TLHBO sony fighting for exclusives like true patriots
  14. GT7 looks incredible! also demons souls confirmed NEVER ON PC best news ever, hermits you skunks, you scoundrels 😂🤣 eat shit
  15. Ps5 should get another year of exclusivity on FF7R: complete edition
  16. Glad to see this transphobic POS suffer! Going to re-shave my head to protest this game
  17. why PC? They made us wait all this time for a cruddy PC port which no one cares for or will buy. complete and utter waste of resources. the demo really wan't that hot, so PC can have this scrud. I just hope this means P5R will be a switch port ONLY, and Never, ever, defiled by PC.
  18. this is what I've been advocating for years, all of the games worth a damn are split between Switch and PS4, there's no need for an Xbox or a PC when they have no defining exclusive titles of their own. they're two joke platforms at this point.
  19. like collecting toy cars or vending machine dolls in YakuShit? his games feature a mediocre combat system with* literally* the same overworld every year. Even spinoffs like FOTNS or Judgement... he literally just makes the same game. dude is a clown
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