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Posts posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. expected as much, the big shocker is that switch won the month.


    unstoppable console. 


    As for XFlop Series X, it's an incredibly less desirable product than xbox one was at launch, even with the bungled TVTVTVT reveal. Xbox One had exclusives.


    It will only get worse for Xbox from here on out. PS5's lead will eclipse even the PS4's over Xbox One.


    so by gen's end it'll be closer to 3:1, and then things are going to get very very bad for MS. WE'RE WITNESSING THE CULLING OF THE XBOX BRAND, it's only a matter of time before halo is on playstation.

  2. It's OK, beyond some Politically correct grovelling at the end which would have never happened in WW2.


    Game was a shadow of COD2 and WaW, but probably the best we'll get for a WW2 game in the next 5 decades atleast.


    There;s no place for a decent, accurate WW2 game in today's climate.

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