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Posts posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. dude's 10incher was definitely not inherited from Joe


    Must be the mother's side


    can you imagine of this was Trump Jr. or Eric? :rofl: The media would be all over this.


    this makes hunting elephants in Africa look like child's play from a moral standpoint. And He's a crackhead, and the other son Beau, is dead lmfao


    Joe's a shitty parent

  2. my ex has more followers on her instagram than the university she's going to, LMAO


    how could I ever get over this one? Legit millionaire daughter of Iranians, hot, a model, and a lawyer


    kill me

  3. i have friends who are a couple and do threesomes and shit every week. the girl is really hot too, that guy is a fucking bi-cuck though who lets her fuck dudes, and sometimes they fuck dudes together too


    people nowadays are so fucked:D

  4. girl left me, packed up her shit and moved to Europe for law school, she's also a low key instagram model with many thousands of followers, so it's not like I could ever do better. she was a 10 and now will be both rich and famous.


    It was expected of course, we were both going to be moving. I was supposed to go to Japan.... never happened after the country locked down. still on the waiting list for the country to re-open. Where she went in europe though, of course allowed every one in still.


    So i stay here pretty much with nothing, contemplating the sweet grim death I deserve. I may as well head to China Town and lick door knobs.


    Relationships, everything about them are the fucking worst. when i'm never single again i will never miss this shit, absolute hate dating with every facet of my being. Women as well👍


    • Haha 1
    • Ben 1
  5. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/grainy-footage-allegedly-shows-hunter-biden-smoking-crack-and-receiving-footjob


    The Biden gene pool is truly something. imagine these vile trash holding any positions of power. :pukes: 



    One of the videos is that Hunter Biden used his 9.5-inch genitals to continuously poke a girl’s vagina after taking drugs. This little girl looks only about 10 years old and is a Chinese girl. In the video, the little girl’s lower body continued to bleed, and the little girl kept screaming, terribly. These videos will be released to the public after the face and key parts are blurred. You can see the girl’s hands and feet, as well as hear the girl’s cry.


    Some background: Late Saturday afternoon, a mysterious link surfaced on Reddit purporting to be the vaunted Hunter Biden sex tape - or at least, one of the Hunter Biden sex tapes (whispers about more footage have so far gone unsubstantiated). 

    In it, a naked Hunter Biden can be seen, smoking crack, and laying with an unidentified woman, possibly a prostitute. The woman's face is blurred out, making it impossible to tell whether or not she appeared to be underage.

    The video itself was posted by a news site purporting to be an anti-CCP intelligence operation called G-TV, which is also tied to Guo Wengui, the Chinese billionaire dissident who is close to Steve Bannon (Bannon was reportedly arrested after a visit on Guo's yacht in Connecticut). 

    Interested parties can find the video here.


    Footage of the sex act is preceded by footage of Guo Wengui at the national press club raging over a Chinese takeover of the US, "9/11 times a thousand," he says, before transitioning to a screed slamming Western politicians who collaborate with the CCP, and warning about the dangers of American kleptocrats falling sway to CCP "influence" (blackmail etc).


    During the opening minutes if the video, Hunter can be heard complimenting the woman on her technique. "That's so professional," Hunter exclaims. "You can't even find that on there," he laughs as he gestures toward something off camera. 

    A few minutes in, the man who is allegedly Hunter Biden can be seen firing up a crack pipe.






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