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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. look at mike ybarra's tweets, he literally rubs salt in the wound every time Phuck Sphincter fucks up. he was the VP of Xbox, and he hated every second of his job. he's also let it slip that Phil makes all of the decisions and no one else has a say. he was abused and harassed into quitting. he now prefers his playstation over the console he helped create. He outs MS failures every chance he gets. HE'S BITTER. Phil has absolutely single handedly steered xbox into this new failed exclusiveless, gameless direction. he's appointed SJW quota hires like Bonnie ros
  2. RE engine on switch, let's fucking go. RE2 and 3 get ported and i will sell off my entire playstation 4 collection.
  3. nobody is copying MS. they're dead last and failed out of the console market, how anyone thinks they have any sway over what sony does is fucking retarded. I fully expect another insomniac tier studio which will embarrass 5-10 MS studios combined.
  4. You just got Journey, there's your first party. nothing good will be ported, sony and all gamers hate PC. BLOODBORNE NEVER! FUCK YOU! BWHAHAHA!
  5. welcome home monster hunter, nintendo should prevent capcom from ever being allowed to put monster hunter anywhere other than nintendo. hopefully theree is no MHworld 2 and the world sub-franchise is dead. WELCOME FUCKING HOME! NSCLUSIVE! let's FUCKING Go! GOTG!
  6. he'll be charged, not sentenced. any judge worth his weight will see this kid fought for his life. he was about to be killed with his own rifle. he's a fucking moron for going to these rallies with a loaded gun, that's about it. also he shot 3 white people so no one will really care about the victims, especially considering they were made up of 3 people with criminal records, including a pedophile. if you;re stupid enough to go to one of these riots looking for trouble and burning shit, you deserve what you get. of course now we see, only psycopaths actuall
  7. this kid did nothing wrong, they threw an explosive device at him AND he was running away, they chased him and he fell down and then they took that opportunity to reach for his gun, but luckily he was able to blow them away. SELF DEFENSE CUT AND DRY he complied with the police 100%, even CALLED the police after he had shot the guy. i i mean, he's still a moron for going to one of these dumb riots, as is anyone on either side, because you're literally asking to die if you go. 32 people dead in these trash riots so far. what a joke this has become
  8. something has to change, these people have sunk the crown jewel of Xbox and pretty much destroyed any chance suckies X had this holiday. literally billions in damages. she has to be fired.
  9. this game looks incredible straight sequel to Black Ops 1 my favorite FPS of all time
  10. Gamepass: the basic cable package Keighley throwing shade at MS even after they suck his cock every year at the Game Awards (even though they never win any awards)
  11. what's the point on Xbox and PeeC? There is no audience, what a colossal waste of time. either take the time to scale the game to switch or just leave it alone as a PS4 exclusive. What an embarrassment to Japan and Yakuza fans.
  12. great time to port re2 and re3 thus making the ps4 as redundant as the xbone. it;s time for the big N to drop the hammer: ONE CONSOLE FUTURE starts now. Sony should be very, very scared.
  13. By the time this comes out it will be time to start work on the PS5 version. Good riddance 343 Halo, Xbox, and Microsoft. You'reee done. GET THE FUCK ON OUTTA HERE! :glad:
  14. Holy shit. Ubisoft has changed the Collector's Editions for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Far Cry 6 and Watch Dogs: Legion on Xbox, they now will only include a digital code to redeem on Xbox Live, instead of a physical disc.PlayStation versions (both PS4 and PS5) are unaffected, customers still have the option to receive a physical disc or a digital code.These changes are already effective in retailers like Amazon and Ubisoft Store.Ubisoft didn't provide a reason, only a support page on their website.https://support.ubisoft.com/en-GB/News/000057205/Ubisoft-Store-Changes-to-Collector-
  15. MicroDick doesn't allow limited prints and doesn't take part in any of these physical print companies doings... just another reason why there is no collector's market for XBONE discs.
  16. so ratchet and clank, demon's souls, spiderman and gt7 will all be out within in the next 6 months. ms of course.... will release nothing.
  17. YELLOW STREAK continues. That Xbox patented 60-something metacritic clanger
  18. Shut the fuck up about PC and Souls - it won't be getting this game so don't even bring it up in this thread. PC is nothing to souls, nothing, it gets shit BAMCO ports and is not any concern for FROMSoft. BloodBorne PC's release date of Nevuary 12th should have shut you up. Demons Souls... PS5... ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE NEWS! A true Never on PC classoc title like this must be shown all the reespect we can muster. Thank you Sony, thank you From. I will be sure to enjoy this title as much as possible knowing that Souls-Starved PC fuckwits are NOT ALLOWED to play
  19. everything phil touches turns to shit, his entire business model is producing shit quality games and giving them away for free on gamepass. another franchise he's buried next to crackdown, phantom dust, vodoo vance and halo. if you're a fable fan i'd be very worried. Playground makes arcade racers and aren't equipped to do a single player RPG, and of course the game will be farted out for $8 on gamepass (for windows nonetheless). there is no hope for fable. just strike it off your lists.
  20. PS5 disc edition day one, but you know it'll be impossible to find so probably month 3. no way in hell am i buying an all digital console or an Xbox and I'm thinking most people are in the same boat. the disc PS5 will be re-saleing for $1000 easily this holiday.
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