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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. goes to show why the MS events suck so much ass and always leave everyoneee laughing. they only require a f2p piece of shit be shown, that's literally it. all you need is a gay indie or budget flop to launch into gamepass and they'll give you a spot in their show. that's why so much forgettable garbage is shown. this is one of the most bizarre, and downright evil things i've ever heard. Phil spencer is truly a cracked nutjob with no business being in gaming, he needs to be retired soon
  2. it's bound to happen. Phil Sphincter will hand deliver it.
  3. absolutely disgusting behaviour by MS. they're fully committed to be being the budget, free to play/service dumping ground platform. Anyone still backing Xflop is truly insane. you're about to witness the death of the brand, you're throwing $500 into a firepit. If you're considering an XSUX, i beg you to reconsider. MS will probably be pulling the plug on gaming soon in all honesty.
  4. https://www.purexbox.com/news/2020/07/xbox_was_so_supportive_in_bringing_cuphead_to_ps4#:~:text=PlayStation fans got a very,the game to the platform.
  5. who in their right mind would be in line for Series, X, who. It's going to be more like 99:1, Xbox is a fucking travesty and the whole industry + internet is laughing at them right now.
  6. ive been saying this for years. then add in bonnie ross and the rest of the quota hires, and what you have is a patchwork sjw studio of amateurs. this is halo's mass effect andromeda moment and the shitty visuals prove it. expect 5.0-7.0 scores.
  7. MS has a deal with steam to release their entire failed catalog of games on PC, so...
  8. Good lord did Xbox turn out to be a disaster. I almost forgot this game was even on Xbox One, it's pretty much considered a Switch exclusive so if any one loses anything here it's Nintendo. Sad to see this lose Nsclusivity.
  9. they're an indie developer, just another example of MS scraping the bottom of the barrel to show off "Also on PC, Also on Playstation" "Console launch Exclusives".
  10. black consoles are utter shit, thankfully we're moving away from this relic design. A black console is like one of those clear Imac's, or eggwhite desktop PC's from the 90's. gross, outdated, and defunct. It's time to move on.
  11. Xbox is a laughing stock, and Halo is dead on the table. It never really recovered after Call of Duty picked up steam and became the premier FPS on console + in the world. Then of course once Sony nabbed COD away, that was pretty much the death blow to Xbox. PlayStation is the new Shooter Box and home of military FPS and games for adult males. Xbox is nothing without COD and Halo will only be remembered as the lame, gay sci-fi equivalent that everyone bailed on when COD4 came out. Real guns, ADS
  12. they have big enough problems with the one failed SKU they've announced so far, their whole lead up to launch has been a disaster headlined by one of the biggest flubs of all time, Halo Finite and its low-end visuals. Series X is a disaster.
  13. Looks absolutely pathetic and real gamers will be investing in Black Ops 5 on the PS5 this holiday.
  14. the fact that persona 5 didn't get announced for switch before this happened is an outrage. nintendo needs to strong arm both square and atlus, these are OUR games, they should never be on PC or PlayStation in any capacity. XBox i kind of just feel sorry for, who cares what it gets, it's a non factor/dead already. WE are the home of Japan and JRPG - Hands off our wares you filthy scum.
  15. it'll be made for nintendo consoles first and foremost basically, it's a JRPG, the genre that we absolutely own and bullied off of playstation. It will be made FOR us!
  16. legitimate banger and better than any action game on Ps4 or bone. the chain mechanic makes it the most interesting action game of the last decade. it's anime police robots on chains controlled by the right stick, and your character on the left. never been done before. AAAE that was robbed of AAA scores because it came out around 5 other AAAE on Switch and reviewers low balled it.
  17. Xbox is fucking dead, killzone PS4 looks better than Halo InDaAnus
  18. it's sad what 343 and that cunt bonnie ross have been allowed to get away with. she should be fired and her team disbanded. this IP is damaged beyond repair.
  19. no shit, all of it's meagre 6.0-7.0 range flops are shared with PC. It has no exclusives, it'll never have any value. Also, welcome home to the Medium, the one good looking game, onto the PS5. Looking forward to playing the best version of it.
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