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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Vini, are #FunTime and SwinSaniity Xbox One X enhanced?
  2. that's a list of xbox games all right, including killer apps like SailFroce and Kung-FuKickball? and here's hoping KungFu Kickball will have a 14 days timed exclusivity and crossplay with windows 10 PCs! MEGATON!
  3. You've been getting slapped around by switch ever since it launched.
  4. Baby druckmann threw a fit more preferential treatment for this criminal sjw shitgame. Boy it sure must be nice to have the rules rewritten for you when you don’t get your way. anyone who supports this game is a lowdown criminal cocksucker
  5. take a good hard look at that DoneX sitting atop your TV and let it sink in - You backed a FAILED, DISCONTINUED product that sucked so much hot ass it clogged up retail channels with unmovable, unsellable stock. The product was so reviled, rotten, and failed so hard that the PLUG WAS PULLED ON ITS MISERABLE FAILURE. This is what happens when you release all games on PC. This is what happens when YOU'RE ANTI-CONSUMER, ANTI-CONSOLE, AND ANTI-EXCLUSIVE. This is what happens when gamers REJECT your shitty failed SJW IP and Woke identity-rebranding of what few IP you have left
  6. Druckman is a loser and this piece of trash has been soundly rejected by the marketplace. terrible metacritic user score, amazon 3-star and dropping with 1000's of disapointed customers. The gaming media tried so hard to prop up this piece of dog shit but it didn't work - the players completely HATE this rotten game. Druckman, wake up and smell the coffee, your game is held in low regard and so is your studio. You should be ashamed for putting this piece of scum out and ripping off millions of people. fuck the haters? No, FUCK YOU druckman. here's what the real peopl
  7. 7/10 Suckshima 8/10 they laugh at us I wonder if somy will ever have another AAA, what a disastrous quarter for them. 2 epic flops that suck ass and are laughing stocks.
  8. yeah well DP vs Tsuckshima is the difference between a small scale game with heart that got underrated because it didn't grovel to fgt, blacks, or trannies. DP2 is in all reality twice the game. another sony movie flop. these games all defcto get 9.0's from the fgt media so if this one has some 7.0's, it must really suck chunky ass. this game fucking FLOPPED!
  9. this with a couple of surfboards up top, on the beach cruising for dames
  10. Whoever sees it go live on amazon.ca quote me ASAP,I’ll be busy today but I definitely need to scalp one as I’m saving up for a new truck. i need this preorder.
  11. absolutely i will be pre-ordering one and flipping it for close to $1000 this holiday.
  12. he clearly says he's going to bastardize the xbox further and spread its games to as many devices as possible.
  13. https://wccftech.com/xbox-phil-spencer-next-gen-exclusives-counter-to-what-gaming-is-about/ Lemmards prepare your already gaping anuses, another 7-years of multiplat bullshit for you. Anyone in line for a series X deserves the incoming conjob that's about to be pulled on them. Save your $500 and do anything else with it, anything and you'll be better off.
  14. looks terrible and every one of these games has been terrible. this franchise needs to go away as soon as possible. just flat out irredeemable garbage.
  15. Just wanted to re-iterate how disgusting MS is and how anyone who thinks their bullshit multiplat, 'everything on PC' faggotBox approach poses a threat to PS5 at all is delusional. 10:1 console ratio incoming, Xbox is a fucking dead, PC cocksucking failure of a brand that has been rejected by the market place. Oh, and PC games fucking suck.
  16. well the clear white box is reserved for professional, adult game consoles like the nintendo switch, so too bad so sad, you aren't getting anything that looks nice. neon blue and shit green kiddy game cases for you casuals on clunksole it is. What do you non-gamers care anyway, most of your 'exclusives' are available digitally on PC for cheaper, and 80% of Clunksole gaylords don't buy physical copies anymore anyways. Your brand are worthless, defunct garbage. every time you buy a game from MS or Sony, you are losing money.
  17. best version as portability supersedes all graphical specifications.
  18. Outbid by a Chinese mobile phone game-maker. cows and lemmings with their gay acquisition pipedreams LMAO
  19. That’s 4fps more than the PeeC/FagBox/PissStation versions
  20. i guess they want to avoid this puke green monstrosity branding again. what a trainwreck the design of this pos was in pretty much every facet.
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