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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. this will be incredible, RE4 with next gen visuals This has the potential to be the single greatest game of all time.
  2. i'll end up getting one for call of duty and i'll make sure that's the only game i buy for it from now on. By gen's end i want to see maybe 7 or 8 call of duty game's on my shelf, anything more than that is a waste of money.
  3. White border The new home of call of duty on the world's number one FPS console and FPS pad: The Dualshock.
  4. I need to see it with my own eyes, sjw fat boy Jim seems to be hesitant to get behind this game for some ‘represenTation’ issues. Could go either way. sjw are upset with this game though, so there’s that
  5. I saw swery going this way in that j.j island of whatever game he put out recently This is where we part ways. pre order cancelled and first game will be ebay’d as well. swery is done. More money in my pocket for gun parts, tools, and more productive hobbies.
  6. low cost, high return item. i'm sure they're using controller sales to offest the losses they take in hardware, controllers are a necessity to use the damned console so they know they can charge whatever they want. Microsoft for instance can't sell a console to save their lives, so they flood the market with a million different controller options which are extremely cheap to produce.
  7. Really bad time to cross a black person, your life is basically forfeit if you even look at a black person wrong nowadays. Hopefully she can at least get unemployment now that her life and career will be ruined, and she'll be ostracized and distanced from her family and friends for this exchange, while being made out to be sub-human racist scum. If she just didn't say "african american" and just said "man", the situation would have been defused like any other petty argument between citizens on the street. unfortunately she committed the cardinal sin of passive racism. N
  8. Besides PC gamers, who gives a sh*t
  9. let me drop everything, paying my bills, struggling to survive, burying two of elderly family family members and covering the funeral costs, let me drop of all of that ASAP so i can see how some little black or any other color dipshit 12 year old gamer feels about being made fun of in his little online games. Fucking ridiculous. hope you're doing O.K, little Jimmy.
  10. most liberal men won't care if they see a big fat girl, they aren't attracted to women so it means nothing, absolutely nothing for them, women are political allies and not much else.
  11. he really did bring out all the freaks and enable their crackpot delirium, a complete harbinger of death and destruction.
  12. I was wrong about it too, it sucks and got boring 10 hours in. Also Norman Reedus is a dork.
  13. $1300 rent for 1 bedroom studio on hipster avenue $500 organic squash, organic soy, quish, mush, f*ggot pies (Wierd groceries) $300-500 weed, drugs, some other nefarious substance $300 gay Camera, art or sex toy equipment $25 tyrone's fee to bang their wife lot of expenses, of course instead of choosing 1 or two games a month, they are entitled to every new release and will spend their gov't money to ensure they have all the latest and greatest games.
  14. imagine stanning for this crackhead with 0 talent, she gets to play every female character, black, white, mexican, it's always only her rearing her ugly dumpster of a throat to fuck up another IP with some lame lesbian voice for some man-looking ugly pos fem-protagonist. she fucking sucks, it's about time gamers got on her ass. fuck her. nobody's going to rape her or fuck her skull, she's just a weak SJW POS looking for sympathy points. Welcome to the internet you dumb F*ck. Don't like it, retire, you over sensitive weakling POS.
  15. Imagine watching these monsters scissor and enjoying it, imagine playing as these hags OMFG
  16. imagine being a straight male playing some gay ass trash like the last of us 2. it's a game for teenage lesbians. Fucking useless sub-males in this society i swear. Play as some buff tranny and get your rocks off.
  17. LAURA BAILEY: You don't get to playa s marcus fenix anymore LAURA BAILEY: You don't get to play as Master Chief anymore LAURA BAILEY: I beat up Drake and you don't get to play as Drake anymore LAURA BAILEY, AGAIN, FOR THE 12th FUCKING TIME: You don't get to play as Joel anymore Wake the fuck up people. She's a figurehead scumbag and a propaganda piece, she has no talent, she's forced into every game and she sucks hot ass. She should be banned from the industry, she's ruined every ip she's touched. SHES A QUOTA HIRE
  18. she can fuck right off and go to hell, she's profited like a conwoman hag scumbag off the back of this gay push to write out all white male protags. these dumb SJW scumbag writers, most of which are gay or closet gay, have literally taken this talentless hag to the top of the industry overnight as they write her into EVERY FUCKING GAME. She's the main character in Gears of War, She's the main in Halo, she's the main in Uncharted, she's the main in the last of us 2 now as well. SHE IS IN EVERY FUCKING GAME AS THE MAIN CHARACTER. I don't give a shit what this tale
  19. I see absolutely nothing wrong with this, gamers have rejected her shitty career, propaganda/failed characters nobody likes, and how fucking gay and lame the last of us 2 is. No one is seriously going to harm her or her children, it's the internet. It's as if these dumbasses have never spent 5 minutes online before. Nothing will come of this, people just hate her shitty quota-hire characters and this shitty game. This conwoman has laughed all the way to the bank with this dumb ass push for lesbian protags. She can go straight to hell as far as i care, she's the definiti
  20. you can just tell Obama and Michelle were in on this rape ring as well, Obama's lanky, meek bone structure and Michelle's bodyguard build alert me right away that the two were into some wierd shit. glad Trump could out these conmen and catch Ghislaine alive. Hopefully the Trump administration will get to the bottom of this and the Obamas and the Clintons will not escape without the truth coming out. Thank you PRESIDENT TRUMP! 4 More Years!!
  21. Glad Trump could capture these pedophiles and put them to justice, over the next 4 years, Trump will bust the Obama's for pedophilia as well. Drain the swamp!
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