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Posts posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. I've done this, especially on consoles like PlayStation and Xbox where there are no good exclusives.


    99% Call of Duty machines. It's the only reason for a lot of people i know to even buy the console, for that one game.


    On Switch I play Darius Gaiden pretty much 50% of the time.


    It's all about mastering one game you really enjoy, rather than wasting time on a bunch of forgettable experiences.

  2. Only their SJW re-write matters, anything centered on white male characters must be destroyed.


    Worse propaganda than the 3rd reich. That's why I don't play when it comes to liberals and SJWs - they want me dead and erased from history and i'd like to see the same done to them.


    Rey :rofl: 

    Finkle, or wtv Chad boyega's character name is :rofl: 


    Nobody likes or knows these characters, they're FAKE bizarro world Star wars for crackpot SJW.

  3. two failed ip. sorry MS this isn't enough.


    also, you just know Fable is coming back so they can put in as much gay romance and homosexual romance options as possible.


    Also, JOHANNA DARK:rofl: one of the lamest protagonists in history. Move over Senua and Forced Kait Diaz, yet another GENERIC FEMALE PROTAGONIST for MS's feminist-scum lineup of 6.0'ers.


    FLOP! :rofl: 

  4. the little bald chinese archer is a tranny though.


    and the HGH freak abby may as well be one as well. Some loser ass hipster fantasy of a strong woman LMNFAO, my fatass still lifts bigger weights than the women i see at the gym who are 'ripped'. :rofl: 


    Ellie = gross lesbian who looks like a 15 year old skateboarder


    Dina = muslim lesbian scissoring partner


    Joel = white male must be written out, killed by an illegal mexican 



    That's a wrap, folks. Doesn't get much worse than that.


    Burn this piece of propaganda trash in a fire. radical left fantasy smut garbage for weak hipsters who would get assraped and shot to shit by right wingers if the  second civil war ever came LMAO

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