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Posts posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Look at those two fat turds for casual gamers. :rofl: 


    No exclusives, everything be ported to PC, SJW propaganda games, taking your hard earned money and donating to BLM against your will, cop killers.


    Microsoft and Sony, it's time to step out. if you're just going to make ugly sub-PC's there's no need for your imitation 'consoles'.

  2. 1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

    Didn't you get Twinblades warning message saying that we can't talk about trannies or golf on the site until TLOU2 has released and people have played it? :wonder: 

    It's time for twinblade to be banned @Cookester15 I've had enough of this harassment bullshit. I'm a very busy man and don't have time for this juvenile shit, a ban DESERVES to be handed out.


    @Cookester15 Ban TwinCade for 2 months or face an uprising backlash.

  3. Sony has no business in this industry. a cuck loser company peddling bullshit propaganda games.


    Jim RYAN, Shu, and all the other little fat losers. You are scum, TLOU2 sucks, everything you stand for sucks, and Japan has abandoned you for switch.


    I don't want your fat, 10lb, brickStation 5. Hideous POS.


    Fuck You.

    Also controller went for $200 so i made a profit on this ugly fat POS. BrickAss 4. Couldn't hold a wifi connection for more than 10 minutes. Awful Console.


    Mike Morales Spiderman = Gayest game ever made LMFAO

  4. There's a certain demographic of gamer that will completely double over to switch if these games comes, they're literally the most coveted JRPGs and Switch is the king of the JRPG as it is.


    Once Sony loses them, expect a whole demographic of people to turn in their playstations. there's be no point, switch does everything better.

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