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Posts posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. it's just  fucking bizarre, doubt it will grown on me.


    if they force you to go vertical it's retarded, of they force you to buy a stand for horizontal seperately that's even more retarded.


    of course including an all-digital model is a downright HOSTILE act of aggression against gamers and physical collectors.


    It's looking more and more like sony is about to sell out on MS's level. I have zero trust moving forward that they won't gpo all digital, and start making PC games. In that case I won't support them, i'll never agree with letting my hard earned money go to shit like all-digital distribution and pity ports for the PC fuckwit beggars who deserve nothing.



    What this show has shown me is that moving forward, expect nintendo's marketshare to grow even more. there's only one real console, one real videogame manufacturer left.


    Switch is going to pick up more and more support. When Nintendo defacto gets every third party games, and i honestly blieve that day is coming sooner than we think, playstation will be forgotten.


    Abysmal showing today. Gay SJW games. Westecuck trash. only good games =Multiplats. Digital dist. Ugly console. It's another XBONE.



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