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Posts posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. you're probably better off than me, you can atleast get E.I on a decent salary, i was scheduled to go to Japan and the plague put a complete halt to it, i was also temporarily working at a university that refuses to open until january 2021, forcing a whole semester of 20,000 students onto e-classes i probably can't teach.


    luckily though my friend got me a job lifting boxes for $15 an hour at a warehouse down the street from my house.




    i also didn't even qualify for E.I because i didn't work enough hours for the period necessary. :rofl: I was taking some time off to prepare for a MOVE, to ASIA!


    Fucking rotten world.


  2. there's no way around it, george floyd was a piece of shit.


    i still don't agree with what the cop did, it was clearly a complete violation of standard practice. he clearly killed him. All of it just brought forth a lot of resentment from the black community towards the police and he acted as the breaking point.


    the cop should be charged, but the riots, the 2 weeks of constant media coverage, and the straight up deification of this crackhead as the second coming of christ needs to stop. 


    He got a solid gold casket, a horse-drawn carriage and a super-bowl like reception. For a low-down conman who almost killed a pregnant woman. :rofl: 



    • Upvote 2
  3. Live PD absolutely killed this show, there's nothing more to it. Live PD destroys it quality.


    either way I always found this shit kind of exploitative, seeing people at their worst moments, sometimes when they have real substance abuse problems, and then pointing and laughing at it? I take zero pleasure in something like that, it's in poor taste any way you look at it.

  4. 7 hours ago, lynux3 said:

    Microsoft's entire AAA lineup was bad. That's why they're moving to AA only Game Pass fodder because they're creatively bankrupt. 

    they went into this generation literally with the plan to make *No* games.


    Then when they saw the reaction, they make-believe announced vapourware trailers like Phantom Dust, Scalebound, Shangheist and just straight up had no intention of ever releasing them. :rofl: 


    I know the motorstorm CGI was bullshit but atleast the fucking game CAME OUT! Microsoft's plan was to waltz into this gen making NOTHING! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: 



  5. the vast majority of game devs are overpaid, they don't deserve shit for the most part, sit on their fatasses eating scones and making propaganda fantasy-shit for lesbian deadbeats, SJWs, and do-nothings, i.e the last of us 2.


    I'd rather a see brick-layer, a plumber, a landscaper, or a teacher make  double a game dev, they deserve to be paid infinitely more.


    The only reason these people are paid 90,000 a year to code garbage is because society is full of sponges who like to sit in front of the TV

  6. bigNews_blog_psikyo.jpg?fit=720,360&ssl=






    Just bought all of these, spent like $400 on physical SHMUP imports for switch this past month. of course i have catherine and Deadly Prem 2 on pre-order, DAY 1. 




    see, that's the best part about switch. all the niche stuff i used to love on 360 has all moved over. I'm playing the new Cave SHMUP, the sequel to deadly premonition 2, and Catherine's juiced up Full body edition.


    All NEVER. ON. XBOX. EVER. AGAIN. XCLUDED :poop: releases. :rofl: 

  7. a 'flop' on switch is something like Astral Chain or Link's awakening where a 9.0 is assumed but it ends up getting an 8.0.


    For instance it took Microsoft 4 years to develop sea of thieves at a 6.0, and then another 3 years for them to fix it into an 8.0. and that's their highest rated game, non-forza, all generation.



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