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Posts posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Just now, kazuolicious said:

    boi I hear they are going to announce a new Kirby dreamland too, get yo pyjamas fired up :bena:

    PC and Xbox have collectively gotten nothing good or mature, just scrap multiplats.


    PS4 has gotten persona 5 anf FF7R which are both timed excluisves and on borrowed time tbh.


    Nintendo is taking over.

  2. This was truly the gen of the pretentious dipshit review, one which gave extra points if the game was niche, hard, or just overall a hipster game.


    you really have to laugh, when failed trash like Gravity Rush 2 or Firewatch recieves a 9.0 score for their 2 hour Single-player only campaign, but games like Call of Duty were getting throttled with 7.0-8.0 scores every year just because it was popular.


    When you think about what you get in a call of duty package for $60, it's immediately a better value than some gay indie game at 29.99.



  3. It's such an invasive screen and pops up randomly, seems to be bugging out. it can't be a simple loading screen replace, it's borderline harassment to sift through over and over again.


    Truly one of the most pathetic things i've ever seen, just completely petty by these childish developers.




    *[NIG]A1AB4MA_N!663R! has joined the lobby

    [Gas]TheJews has joined the lobby

    [Women]HaveNoRights has joined the lobby



  4. I would go back in time and Make COD Great again, and prevent the hostile SJW-ization of the brand that occurred with 2014's advanced Warfare. 


    -I'd make them go back to featuring real weapons from real life weapons manufacturers (They're banned now).

    -I'd go back to the historical accuracy and "Death-screen' quotes from real life figures throughout history, including Dick Cheney and other prominent republicans (They've all been replaced more SJW friendly figures).

    -I'd take out all the female soldiers and make sure no one can play as a female in multiplayer. Zero tolerance, no female avatars.

    -I'd eliminate over-the-top weapons customization like shiny guns, dumb props hanging off your gun, pink and purple camo, etc.

    -The game would be made EXCLUSIVELY for a new video-games console manufacturer, who believes in exclusive games, has a zero tolerance for PC pity ports, and isn't on the democrats payroll.


    So basically, i'd just like to go back to the Xbox 360 in the year 2007-2012. This industry peaked and then crashed, as of now its a hollow corpse for man babies and do-nothing arm-char activist fatasses.



  5. the game looks lame as hell Kaz, you're only excited because you're a budding SJW yourself.


    It's another zombie game at the end of the day, just one that has you playing as a meth-head looking lesbian with tattoos who dyked out with her girlfriend in a few scenes for SJW brownie points.


    FAKE-EXCITEMENT is the word, absolutely the 'hype' behind this is being manufactured by gaming sites trying to save this crashed-and-burned flop's bungled past 2 months + pre launch. The game fucking failed already, it's been spoiled, retracted it's launch date then got shifted over to a new EMERGENCY release date. :geese: 


    ND is shaking in their boots. 


  6. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

    Congrats on joining the ever increasing group of people who will be excitedly discussing this game on the 19th :aitch:

    there'll be maybe 3 people in that thread, and the rest of us will be coming for that thread to SHUT IT DOWN.




    nobody is excited for this game, stop listening to the left wing gaming media trying to stoke fake excitement over it.


    everybody knows this game is going to be trash.


    the scores won't be accurate, save for a few smaller sites who still have integrity.


    This game is a failure and was taken down months ago, spoiled, SOILED and ruined for a reason, the developers themselves hate this abomination they were FORCED to make. :geese: 

  7. yeah, and it's fucking hilarious that my online name was banned and i was unable to use it 'untitled1' because it has 'tit' in it. it won't pass the censcors but A1ABAMA N1663R is fine, hell i've seen straight up N word.


    Retarded ass dev is also covering their tracks for allowing blatantly racist IDs to fester for 6+ months now.

    • Haha 1
  8. 30 minutes ago, The Mother Fucker said:

    If it's not for hunting, then You wasted your money. 

    All you need is the LORD's prayer for your protection.

    it's a hunting cartridge so yeah, if i was going to use it for target shooting i'd get a smaller pistol caliber like .357 or .44 magnum.


    45-70 will punch clean through a deer as humanely as possible, so it's better to go for a stronger round for a hunting gun, it's just much more humane, less pain and pretty much an instant kill. :juggle: Recoil is stout though.

  9. well it's quite clear the majority of western gamers agree, all of this stuff is thought through in boardrooms where they have stats and figures that confirm that this would be a good move for business. if they thought this would cause a significant number of people to stop playing they wouldn't have done it.


    they generate goodwill by going with the popular opinion. The gaming industry and the majority of those who play them support BLM.


    there's nothing controversial or brave about this. Activision is just simply pandering, and that's pathetic.



  10. actually my first gun, though i'll be definitely be picking up 1 or 2 more before guns are just flatout banned here.


    Missed out on the AR-15 and all the cool semi-auto shit, god dammit. 


    my next will be this, it's a little .22 but i just think it's so cool, it all strips apart and can be stored in the stock.






    Cheap as hell too. just a cool little plinkster.

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