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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. why is this a thing, why would microsoft take money from office, microsoft word, etc. and say hey, let's make a new game for the xbox division with this! It's delusions, nothing more.
  2. don't underestimate how disatrous the Xbox One reveal was for the brand as a whole, it's literally carried that stink for almost a decade now and it isn't going anywhere any time soon. There's also a host of other problems that have arisen this gen: Xbox is known for having a shit 1st party, and no exclusives. the perception of the brand is that it's vastly inferior to playstation on the games front. That's a real thing, not a forum or internet fanboy thing. moreover, the xbox has never, and will never gain a foothold in asian markets and most of europe. it's sold so few syste
  3. no they can't, because they'll never recoup the investment because no one will buy said game, as no one has said console. sony is the market leader and that's why they get all the 3rd party marketing deals, exclusives, and can afford to make big budget games. they can sell to 110 million potential customers and MS can only count on 40. really, the sales of a console are everything. It doesn't matter what MS is worth, for instance if they ever wanted to get Call of Duty map packs back they'd have to pay activision 3x as much as what sony is paying them. And
  4. both xbox models shpuld be cheaper, like 129-199. with no exclusives, how much can you charge, really? I'd feel like i'm getting ripped off either way with an exclusives-less box. it's basically like getting a fake console. it's worth 0 to me and a ton of others. Anything over $200 for any Xbox will be DOA.
  5. hopefully sony makes sure black ops 5 cannot be played on xbone. it's about time for call of duty to be an exclusive, there's no reason for an xbone series x version.
  6. so this big Sega announce is literally on the same day as PS5's big event. hmm let's see, which console has Persona Catherine Yakuza Sakura Wars Judgement every sega game as a defacto exclusive the home country of sega behind it the same market/adult japanese games .... LEMMINGS SONY is about to pull Insomniac 2.0 on your beggar asses
  7. https://www.gematsu.com/2020/05/report-ps4-titles-submitted-for-certification-after-july-13-must-be-ps5-compatible RIP PS4. July 13 is the end date. I will be selling mine soon, thank you sony for the transparency.
  8. I love how pity-launching some 4 years late Yakuza games into gamepass is grounds for an acquisition to these abused and battered xbox fans. Like that was probably the best, most exciting news they got all gen. Phil feeds you the lint out of his pockets. Your games are made with the change he finds in his couch cushions. Double-fine, InXile, and undead labs probably sold to Microsoft for the price of a hot meal. THEY WERE STARVING! and they were starving BECAUSE THEY MAKE SHIT GAMES! And you think this company, THIS COMPANY is going to buy you something GOOD? LMFAO!
  9. MS knows they have no market share and no games or goodwill, the only chance they have is to offer a budget model to undercut sony. but being the gutless pussies Phil and his cronies are, they also knew not having the power crown would doom them, so they made an over-expensive BONE SERIES X model, overpowered and overpriced, just to have meagre bragging rights. Unfortunately Sony has once again shown with superior CERNY engineering, and a newfangled SSD solution, that PS5 is probably already more desirable than BONE SERIES X. Then you add in real ex
  10. XBONE SERIES X - $499 PS5 - $399 XBONE SERIES S - $299
  11. this thread is going to be one of the greatest bumps of all time,
  12. now that playstation is the king of FPS this is great news. with pretty much 99% of serious shooter fanatics, and the 1-2 punch combo of COD/Destiny a.k.a real Halo, Playstation needs an elite controller equivalent. nothing else matters at this point. of course next gen halo could very well end up on PS5, its serious looking like halo is on it's last legs. all the games are on steam anyways so there's really no reason for them not to be on PS5.
  13. the trigger technology is clearly a step ahead, i don't need to touch the dualsense to know that. Dualsense is *lightyears* ahead of the series X controller. That's a fact. that's on features alone.
  14. Sunset overdrive - everyone i knew who had an xbox told me at the time that the main character and artstyle were gay. I asked people to DL it, for free when they gave it away on XBL and was still told it was gay and they didn't even want it for free. the game's artstyle just didn't match what xbox customers like. something i've been saying for years. they don't want colorful, gay, over-the top kiddy games or cartoon art. they want real mature guns blazing ADULT games. and MS just refuses to invest in the budget to do so. Quantum Break- Sterile 5-6 hou
  15. -best triggers on the market -touchpad -vr compatability -Vita D-pad -textured thumbsticks this is the king of FPS controllers
  16. it's a fine controller. shoulder buttons and triggers kill the Xbone controller. stick placement really doesn't matter, you get used to it. the touch pad also sets it apart from the Xbone controller. the lightbar looks nice but eats battery. battery life sucks and the options and share buttons are so small and akward to press. Deualsense looks much better and should convert any Xboys left, the Dualsense literally looks 2 gens ahead of the Series X controller.
  17. no wonder we don't many new members around here.
  18. more regions to follow. we're working around the clock to iron out all the details but expect a blanket ban across all regions, soon. some places are more willing to work with us than others but we've got things moving in the right direction. One region down, several more to follow. Step by step.
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