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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Now we bring the fight to you, ND. You think you can throw around your corporate power around here, you think you can bully us, threaten us, and belittle our way of life. No, you can't. MEN LIKE ME, MEN WHO HAVE HONOUR, will fight you at every turn. You belittle Christians. You shit on us, You shit on dogs, dog owners, and spread your devilish cruelty. You shit on everything that's good about humanity. You have no remorse, and neither shall we. WE WILL DESTROY YOU. We will teach the future generations that you have no power over them, over us. YOU WILL BE DE
  2. letter has been sent and let's hope PETA picks up this cause. I'lll fight within every inch of my life for your rights. This is for all of us, and for the goodness of humanity. Fuck you Naughty Dog you evil pieces of shit. May you burn in hellfire. I'll oppose you until the end of my life, you have made the most powerful enemy possible -- a man who has will to live, a man who knows what is right. FUCK >>> YOU!
  3. Anyone who buys this deserves the utmost punishment from the law. It's basically smut/murder porn which is punishable if consumed, by law.
  4. If i can keep this game out of the hands of one kid i've done my job. $60 less in druckmann's sick pockets is $60 less to spread cruelty, hatred and fear. WE'RE COMING.. FOR YOU NUGHTY DOG! SONY! ANYONE WHO ENABLES THIS SICK TRASH!
  5. @DynamiteCop I've finished the rough draft of my letter and will be approaching the proper channels to make this grassroots takedown a reality. Naughty Dog, I told you once: We are coming to shut you down. I will promise you that. Your evil and hatred has no place in this industry, and therefore no place in civilized society. may your writers and producers get the help they are entitled from psychological professionals. The team clearly has many issues which need to be addressed.
  6. that's a great idea. there's even a button on their site to report media. i'm going to put on a pot of coffee and pen a scathing letter. hopefully we can get some coverage on this issue. I'll try to contact other sites as well. TAKEDOWN COMMENCE!
  7. you kill dogs in call of duty. you kill dogs in resident evil. there's no reveling the suffering of their owners though. that's truly sick and fucked up. ND are just gutter trash.
  8. Imagine that as a bullet point on the back of the box! Each dog has an owner that will call out in horror when they discover the corpse of their furry best friend! quote,NAUGHTY DOG SICK, DERANGED, Piece of trash this is.
  9. "They'll call out in horror when they find the corpse of their furry best friend". That means HAVING DOGS AS AN ENEMY TYPE to you? That writeup is SICK, and it's a dog-whistle for psychopath pet killers to get off on. BOYCOTT THIS GAME!
  10. they're one in the same. Most SJW are mentally damaged and have a grudge against the world, they're like real-life versions of the joker just nobody wants to see a film about them. this is the kind of stuff they love, torturing animals, smut porn, and (SPOILER) while they do all of it. THIS IS THEIR FANTASY GAME WHERE THEY ENABLE THEIR PERVERTED BELIEFS. Sickos
  11. I'm going to make it my personal mission to destroy as many copies of this game as possible. I'm going to poke holes in any copies i see in stores with my pocket knife. I'm going to hide and possibly destroy and promotional material in customers' view at gamestop. I'm going to bully and harass any kid or person i see picking up a copy. Everywhere I go I will make it my personal mission to destroy this game and all those responsible for it. Truly the worst example of humanity + smut entertainment for deranged, sick psychos. I'm coming for you, TLOU2, and Naughty Dog. You
  12. Absolutely SICK mind of the developers. This evil piece of trash needs to be prevented from release. I want these developers to suffer, those who were not brave enough to oppose those evil studio heads (who are clearly deranged psychopaths) need to suffer as well. there's no excuse for releasing this piece of garbage to mass market. SICK! absolutely sick piece of trash this is.
  13. anyone who pays good money for the re-education program contained on TLOU 2's disc deserves to be called a cuck. especially when the information is already out there for you to consume... you atleast know and have a choice. unlike some of us who got blindsided by cuck tactics, like 343 industries did to halo fans with halo 5 - it literally had a fake marketing campaign, and the producer himself took to GAF to flatout lie that we played as masterchief for 'atleast' half the game. Or coalition when they said J.D Fenix would take over for Marcus - another decep
  14. i bet it'll come after launch, only because XSX will fail to make a dent in the market. Think about it, the average consumer can't even tell the difference between Xbox One X and XSX, and the one X sold atrociously to the point of being taken out of production. now add in the fact that XSX games ship in the same box as Xbone titles.... nobody will even know XSX is next gen. Lockhart exists as an emergency backup plan for when XSX fails and they have to get a budget-priced SKU out to move ANY units... like the routinely $149 fire saled's ONE S a.k.a One asS
  15. what a detestable way to game. bulk add 40 or some odd defunct, old legacy titles you'll never play, and they're all worthless, non-existent digital tokens that have no value. it's like setting fire to $40 for a bunch of games you either had no interest in, or would have never played if not given to you en masse. Steam, Gamepass... the dollar store of gaming.
  16. Damn, I'm disappointed in Capcom for partnering with TLOU2 but you can see why i guess, they're both horror titles afterall.
  17. im sure they'll do a port of this for PS5, then we can get 60fps to shut up the hermits. of course, never on PC. This game not being on PC is the greatest part about it. It's still GOTG though FF7:R is right behind it.
  18. MS employees themselves shitting on Xbox And of course Mike Ybarra agrees, former VP up until 2 months ago but HE HATES XBOX TOO!
  19. that's what courage looks like. They ate those L's, reworked the franchise and got back to giving fans what they wanted.
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