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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. seems so crooked that these large companies are able to manipulate stats to get their shitty products a little extra shine. So, So wrong.
  2. 1. Naughty Dog Comments turned off, dislikes turned off 2. Microsoft (Second re-upload with 30k dislikes scrubbed from yesterday, original upload set to private) Laugh and scoff at these true losers of the industry who tucked tail and ran when served with their deserved L's Keep in mind even Activision had the balls to leave infinite warfare's content un-altered after they ate several million dislikes...
  3. and not even one day later the devs are allowed to announce there's also PS5 versions. honestly, they're starved for quality content. Their REVEAL was multiplats and AA indie games from nobodies like Blooper Team. The xbox platform right now, from someone on the outside looking in, is the least attractive platform to play on bar none. Next month Sony takes the stage with Black Ops 5, Resident Evil 8, and actual first party exclusives. This gen is going to be a bloodbath.
  4. yeah, beyond the underwhelming selection of games, they promised GAMEPLAY and we got none of that. Some games even had 'running on PC - it might not look like this' disclaimers. Who greenlit this shit? How out of touch can you get. also, It's not enough to secure ports of yakuza and namco-bandai anime games. this should be expected at this point. They're still trying to brag about what was a given on 360, like it's some sort of accomplishment they got a few multiplats from japan... who cares? Again, WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE EXCLUSIVES.... YOU CAN NEVER GENERA
  5. The medium will *launch exclusively on Xbox on PC (so, unexclusively) The first game with the guns/swords in first person, is made by a one man team and is currently already released on Steam. The rest are all multiplats. Fucking pure 100% multiplat shit-reel again. they never learn.
  6. Bamco announces their game for PS4 and PS5 https://www.gematsu.com/2020/05/scarlet-nexus-adds-ps5-ps4-and-pc-versions Vampire announces PS5 version https://www.gematsu.com/2020/05/vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-2-adds-ps5-version
  7. Msoft back on the apology tour "we'll do better guys".... for the 7th year in a row
  8. The cartoon is called 'corona chingchong 2020'... it's just tasteless.
  9. that cartoon is one of the most blatantly racist pieces of shit i've ever seen. anyone can see why it would get taken down.
  10. after that series X reveal it was clear there would be no real leap. FF7R looks better than everything they showed.
  11. even i couldn't tell it's the WiiU fiasco on steroids, this is retarded
  12. Xbox one was truly the last xbox. they've given up. they're trying to hold on to the dwindling xb1 userbase instead of pressing the reset button and going for gold like ninty with the switch, or sony with the ps4. XBONE was it, the last generation for Xbox. RIP
  13. it was all crap. a bunch of AA games from small studios, dirt 5, madden and ass. creed. Sony must have partnerships with all the popular games again.
  14. this has to be one of the biggest shams i've ever seen. Yakuza is 'SERIES X' enhanced Halo Infinite will be 'SERIES X enhanced' Call of duty 2020 will be 'Series X enhanced' It's another Xboner X! It was all a fucking lie WOW!
  15. No new game cases, no exclusive games ever (everything will work on the XBONEs everyone has now) and now they're just calling it 'XBOX' they played us like a damn fiddle! There is No new Xbox... it's all a sham launch, a facade! HOLY FUCK!
  16. This whole time it was just another souped up XBONE model, HOLY FUCKING SHIT! It's not even a real console
  17. Also, Dislikes are off the charts and MS is striking down videos, deleting dislikes and trying to re-upload the video with no like controls LMAO!
  18. So there's only one 'Xbox' version of yakuza 7, same case, same game it just works on both consoles. WHat in the hell is this... Series X... It's not even a real console it's just another souped-up XBONE MODEL! XBONE is Suckies X... Suckies X is XBONE! What the...
  19. wait, does the series X even have its own games? It's a straight up rebranded XBONE! OMFG This brand really is at death's door.
  20. this is so confusing. you'd think they would want to distance themselves from XBONE but they just keep doubling down on it. they're actually FORCED to keep continuity with the 'Bone because they know Suckies X won't be the market leader
  21. bamco's astral chain rip-off. i smell a 6.0 in the works
  22. observer looked cool, almost bought it for like $5 on the e-shop sale but passed on it. fuck
  23. i will get this regardless of what it scores when it hits PlayStation. blair Witch I will still try for $5-10 on a PSN sale.
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