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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Game will be a colossal flop regardless of SJWs overrating it due to their cuckold lifestlye and low T, frail physiques. Put me down for LOWER THAN 90 MC
  2. damn! She was a disgusting animal before, now I'd fuck her real good. Honestly she was so fat and gross I didn't even want to listen to her music before. Incredible transformation.
  3. They're scared shitless of the truth... IT'S COOL TO HATE THIS GAME! The kids on the internet agree, this is the new Shitty game to hate on and tell all their friends how gay it is just like Infinite warfare! NEGATIVE WORD OF MOUTH HURTS SALES! It's now a 'meme game', you'll be playing a hated, stinking MEME GAME! Used copies will line bargain bins, the game will garner no respect by consumers, and the reception will be a fraction of what ND was hoping for. YES...THIS IS A TAKEDOWN! And you can't do anything about it!
  4. The infinite warfare hate debacle was a legitimate thing and it put a big hit on the sales of that game. Activision lost millions on that POS by not giving the fans what they wanted, even if it sold 10 million it was projected to do way more, and battlefield 1 handed them their ass that year. The hate it received also changed course for the entire franchise thereafter. the hate WORKED. The same is happening here... and they're desperate to damage control it. it's hilarious.
  5. Western Gayming sinks lower with each new release.
  6. LOL pathetic losers disabled dislikes, they're scared of surpassing the Infinite warfare reveal as the most disliked trailer in YT history. This piece of rotten trash deserves to be spit on. Memes are just the beginning. This game is evil.
  7. Twitter has collectively rejected ND and their trash games. LMAO they have to put a 'don't read the comments below " disclaimer in their status because everyone's dumping on their POS game 1.0/10 trash.
  8. at the very least it needs 12-18 months of exclusivity on PS4, I don't want the PC version to lower the game's reception at launch. A perceived PC version, even if it's just a rumour, will diminish the prestige of the title and affect sales greatly. Either way they should put an end to these PC ports, the series just doesn't sell on PC and it's a waste of time to continue any further.
  9. Stupid ass Sega, no wonder these losers went belly up in the console business. Absolutely retarded decision.
  10. god dammit. used to get two for one burritos at my local joint but it's still closed.
  11. my Mom's a nurse, tons of family in the healthcare field as well, and still no one I know has had it.
  12. FF7 is pretty linear tbh and beyond the insane visuals, the game looks so good because of the art style. Absolutely best in industry gameplay is what makes FF7R the best game of the gen, not visuals.
  13. frivolous shit like open-world fetch quest design and bloated unnecessary visuals are at fault for this.
  14. I'll admit it, I cried playing this earlier today. There's many reasons, beyond how good it is. Finally FF7 is given the overhaul it so sorely needed, being delivered into a new generation of fan's arms, and being mercilessly stripped away from the old fanbase. The Perfect 10 gameplay, the best-in-industry graphics, the incredible cast of characters, the STRONG WHITE MALE protagonist, the hot Japanese chicks that accompany him on his adventures, everything is just perfect. I could have cried right there. The Resident Evil 4 of this generation, FF7R, Exclus
  15. this is this generation's RESIDENT EVIL 4 moment. FF7R is a cut above everything else released this gen. truly a PERFECT 10 EXCLUSIVE that converts fanboys! Sony you have done it, this game being exclusive was the generation defining move. FF7R, Not on PC, is the definition of PERFECTION! I've managed to save the playstation exclusive sticker from the cellophane and stuck it to my case. I will commemorate this exclusive period forevermore. THANK YOU SONY! EXCLUSIVES MATTER! I'll toast a fine Canadian brew to that!
  16. you've been erased, this is OUR FRANCHISE now. Welcome FF7:R, into the hearts and minds of gamers forevermore. ONLY ON PLAYSTATION - NOT ON PC!
  17. nah, the remake shits on the original and is easily the best game released on PlayStation 4. another MGS4 perfect 10 moment where the franchise achieves its magnum opus. Good lord is this game good and made even sweeter by the fact that it's exclusive. NOT ON PC!
  18. you don't have a choice, lol PC beggars. PlayStation Exclusive.
  19. LMFAO! Game's trash. If this is a 10 then the past 7 COD's are 15/10
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