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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Another shitty multiplat reel from this nothing of a console. Get some exclusives and we'll talk, until then this shitheap Brick will remain a non-factor
  2. watched a little bit. this game legitimately makes me sick to my stomach. Should get an AO rating. Disgusting smut/filth porn in game form
  3. It's funny because my mom actually works in a hospital where they convert the trannies, and we joke about how fucked up it is. She told me about the operation, the scalpel to scrotum, discarding what's left of the penis, and then scooping out a chunk of flesh for vag-hole. the hole will close up (the body's natural reaction is to close wounds) so they constantly have to insert something in there to dilate the hole and keep it open. And then the doctors fashion the nerve endings of the penis-head into a makeshift clit, and sew it all down. Of course the pain
  4. they ain't the hermit way, you use jizz-stained 360 controllers from 15 years ago. Only the best for when you play late console scrap-ports at medium settings.
  5. Xflop Logos at the end MS couldn't get COD again, confirmed.
  6. they should be sued for elite controllers falling apart weeks after use. went through 2 of those shitty things. Switch Pro Controller
  7. Devastating news for the few who still game on XBox. This Hobopass model of busted games, gay cartoon graphics, and 6.0 shovelware is now your permanent future. gamepass is the enemy of hardcore gamers, physical disc collectors and anyone with a job who can buy what they want. It's a dumping ground for old crap no one wants to play at a price. Fuck this service to hell.
  8. Switch or bust, no excuse to have this on the 3 losing platforms and not the #1 in the world.
  9. the game is a 1 or a 0 on 10. biggest piece of garbage ever released. the reviewer who has the balls to 1/10 this game and get the score on metacritic will be the official source of SW hereafter. Evil, insidious POS. Die ND, Die!
  10. another generic asses bleed launching onto 10 different platforms, hooray. this is gaming's lowest common denominator.
  11. It's the premier platform. -The best Japanese games. -Wholesome, family friendly gaming. -No cuck games and propaganda - Nintendo themselves fight this at every turn -Games never lose their value because NIntendo never drops prices - they know what they're worth -like it or not, Nintendo is the best choice It's a wrap, Nintendo has won because they're the only honest company worth giving your money to. It's a fact.
  12. sony absolutely needs to shutter this studio. This will bring great shame in Japan.
  14. They Laugh at Us 2 deserves no respect. Drag this piece of rotten dog shit game through the mud! Fuck you LezBiUs 2! Fuuuuuuuuck you!
  15. Brave freedomfighter Malakius we award you for your service in: Spoiling they Laugh At us 2 Well done
  16. he went out doing the lord's work, spoiling TheLezbius 2
  17. Pretty sure PC beggars will bolster the scores for their version, MCC on Steam probably already outsold the Bone version. the fucked up part is, believe it or not, Hermits have LESS to play than the lemmings when you factor in that 99% of hermits are gaming on Potato rigs that can't run high end games.
  18. Absolutely, it'll be another ramshackle patchwork flop from 343i. I assume it will be missing basic features from past titles, as well as now being split across 4 or 5 platforms. The only thing I'm truly excited for, is to see how they'll scale the title to Switch once the emergency porting process begins, after the game and series X fail to make a dent in the market. All in all, I feel this will be the last Halo title as we know it before the franchise is gutted and retooled for multiplatform distribution. Much like COD, Fortnite, and etc. It'll need to be
  19. all of this time, all the controversey was labelled as 'overwork' but it was all just a front. it was the dev team being harassed, belittled, and threatened to make sjw cuck propaganda against their will, that's why they're all so upset, that's why they're quitting, and that's why THEY THEMSELVES leaked the game. Fucking evil studio heads and Neil drcuckman. Holy shit, no remorse for this piece of god forsaken rotten garbage. every copy should be burned.
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