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Posts posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. that's rich coming from you


    you come off like an unhinged, angry sociopath with issues that make you a danger to yourself and society. most people around you seem to end up dead as well


    you offer very little in terms of content, and mostly reply with one word, curse words usually.


    you are one of the biggest loudmouths on this forum honestly.


    You know what, you and Liquid_Gimp both are ignore material.


    Blocked, goodbye.

    • Geese 1
    • dead 2
  2. It begins. Xbox is nearing a hard exit in Japan.


     amazon Japan soon to be only retailer carrying xbox (Special order online sale only).





    Surprising news came from the Rising Sun this morning. Geo, a well-known Japanese retailer chain, stopped selling Xbox consoles in its stores. The fault, apparently, would be Game Pass, since it is no longer necessary to own an Xbox to play the house titles, which would be a major disincentive to purchase. Currently, the only chains that still sell Xboxes in Japan are Yodobashi Camera and Amazon Japan.


    The gamepass effect everybody, retail space is completely wasted on Xbox.


    looks like the end of Xbox sale in Japan is coming this generation.



  3. 2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    yeah it’s actually a pretty backwards mentality if you think about it. People are missing out on great games because they just wait and see if they’ll come to GP. Yet on the other hand they’ll waste their time playing mediocre games just because those happen to have been made available on there.

    that's what makes MS so devious.


    they knew they couldn't compete on the games front so they go ahead and just sink the industry down to their level.


    gamepass is the single worst, most ant-consumer, dangerous thing in gaming's entire history and i sincerely hate it with every fibre of my being.


    It's pure evil, and if MS had their way, they'd Atari the industry right into the gutter again

  4. 30 minutes ago, kaz said:


    "What's old is new again."


    how retarded are you? SH is done as a franchise, it had it heights long ago and you people drag the IP further down the mud with trash games sequels made by dumericans. I get Kojima might be a glimmer of hope but he will never be able to make a SH game that rivals the OGs.


    Remember RE2/FF7 REMAKE(!) How fucking stupid are you, those are REMAKES like you say, they are doing a new SH game which I don't want to see because it will FAIL and SUCK ASS. YOU NEVER EVEN PLAYED THE OG Silent Hill games YOU FUCKING FAG LEMSHITE


    you are the dumbest shit on this forum. go back to xbox where you belong you fake gamer cunt. disgusting :pffft:

    i had every console since the PS1 era and played every silent hill except downpour, the PC'd casual games aren't an interest of mine.


    i'm talking  the hardcore CONSOLE SH1/2/3 



    • NPC 1
  5. and the sound, my god it's awful! It's even made worse by that old toothless tranny-sympathiszer grandpa announcer!


    God this game is an absolute disgrace.


    Boycott everyone, BOYCOTT!





  6. PC is damaging their image tbh, soon i can see a pull back from PC. PC =cheap, second rate.


    especially in Asia where a PC version is a detriment and is seen as a betrayal.


    More Switch exclusives is what everyone really wants to see from them, and of course the higher-end resident evil experience needs to be locked down by Sony.


    there is no need for resident evil proper on Xbox or PC when 90% sales are from PlayStation. it's just such a waste to port



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