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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. it's just as good as Xbox's last big suprise last week, Gears Tactics gameplay, exclusively for windows.
  2. Phil's entire gameplan on his japan trips () Is just to secure more late, cheap ports from the PS4's library. That's it. There will never be exclusives.
  3. Cryshit 2 and 3 are dumpster juice, and the first is so old it'll run on a potato.
  4. They're gonna trade the millions of copies sold to japanese consumers (the majority of the games sales) for a few thousand downloads on a $1 a month service
  5. PS4's stacked for great games this year, the Japanese won't start making games for this thing for the next 2 years at least, and the Scalpers are going to snap these units up so fast and charge double. No point in bothering with one this year.
  6. Looks like it could run Bleeding Edge on low settings at the least, also be sure to give CrackHead 3 Wrecking Zone a try to see what this thing's CPU can really do.
  7. Nothing like spending $3000 on multiplats that run on a $199 handheld.
  8. yeah, and what's worse is the only people who can stomach backing Xflop are frauds who either game on PC, or live encapsulated in a room filled with junk + 20 other consoles, including a PS4 to play. Try gaming solely on 'Bone for a year and then see how your tune changes. Getting skipped on major releases + not having any exclusives, and then before you know it you're hyping the 6th Forza MotorShart game released in the gen, because it's the only game MS has lined up, but alas its just a shitty multiplat and runs better on PC.
  9. remember with Don mattrick at the helm you at the very least had Call of Duty map packs. Now Xbox just has nothing. There isn't a single person I could recommend an XBox to, it just fails at everything. Shit, even if you LIKE MS's shitty game offerings, you're better off getting a PC -- you get all of the Xflop's 5.0 and 6.0 clangers + Gears tactics, AoE and whatever else SJW games MS shits out exclusively for PC. So... if you really like 'Xbox', you need a PC. WHAT IN THE WORLD! No Exclusives is truly the dumbest shit on Earth.
  10. The One X is even worse, runs pretty much every multiplat worse, and now ofiicialy has *0* exclusives. How far away it seems, the phat Xbone had Rise of the Tomb Raider, Dead Rising 3, and a few others launch *solely* on XB1 (Not a gay shared exclusive with PC). MS just got worse and worse throughout the gen.
  11. LMAO MS giving away gamepass with PC parts? pathetic loser ass company. never supporting Xbrick EVER again
  12. Flabberghaster dual boot SLI GTX-9000/10000 TURD FLAGULATOR @ 32Psi Overclock Neon Lights keyboard Gay pride Mouse with old handkerchief mousepad it's not the best, but just about enough to run Bleeding Edge, Recore, CrackDown 3, and Super Lucky Tails on Low settings.
  13. https://www.change.org/p/from-software-release-bloodborne-for-the-personalized-computing-platform 50,000 sigs
  14. it's so sad. You can tell how truly hurt he is by xbone having no exclusives. now they pray the same fate happens to Sony to equalize the playing field. It's a fact really, you'll never win an arguement when you have ZERO. FUCKING. EXCLUSIVE. GAMES! Nope, only xbox is doing this. only xbox sold out their consumers. you backed the wrong horse and invested into a failed ecosystem and simply can't admit it.
  15. keep writing about playstation, keep dreaming about the games, keep praying for ONE MORE PORT! It just goes to show what i've been saying all along: PS4 is a better gaming platform than PC. It has all the good games on PC, plus its world class exclusives and better japanese support. If you game on PC you're nothing more than a few steps ahead of the Xbox players... who are literally at rock bottom and have nothing. BEG!
  16. https://www.pcgamer.com/uk/the-playstation-4-exclusives-we-want-to-see-on-pc/ "The PS4 games we want to see on PC " The nerve of these beggar fucks, they deserve nothing, absolutely nothing.
  17. Playstation and Nintendo will remain the only option for gamers Exclusives ARE ALL THAT MATTER! Fuck you Hermits and the 1 guy left on Xbox! Bwahaha you exclusive-less sods! You waste money on platforms that give you NOTHING! NOTHING! Multiplats, ROFL!
  18. FAKE NEWS! THHBFR! PC is the worst platform to game on and only fake gamers care about PC! No Exclusives, shitty Japanese support, and mediocre Xflop scraps are the best games on the platform RTS are also gay, THHBR!
  19. THHBR, all bullshit all along! run back to your 5.0's scraps from MicroDick's abysmal first party. If you're lucky they'll patch in a few new new tranny avatars for bleeding edge
  20. Sorry BegMit. Hopefully this also only means Xbox next year, and they make PC Gaymers wait even longer like they did with FF15.
  21. Sony definitely has an exclusive deal over this game locking it away from other platforms. Catherine, P5 Strikers and Tokyo Mirage sessions, games that will sell 1/100th of what P5 could do, are all on Switch. it makes no sense. they're under contract to not put it anywhere else, but for how long? I Could see Sony buying it out indefinitely. It's the most important game they have in Japan, if not they'd be getting eaten alive by Nintendo in that market even more.
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