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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. they're all fake amazon france listings which are always bullshit placeholders.
  2. https://www.pcgamer.com/uk/the-playstation-4-exclusives-we-want-to-see-on-pc/ LOL Port-beg: The article This is one of the most pathetic pieces to come out of a major publication, what a worthless rag PC gamer is.
  3. SJW media really succeeding in taking this game down, it's another solid 9.0 range sony first party game on par with Horizon, Spiderman, and the like. It's just got a slightly right-winger 'don't tread on me' gladsden surivial nut flair to it. I just don't get it. The game's even got the signature Sony, ugly interracial lesbians to placate the SJW masses: game got review bombed by effeminate SJW reviewers because Deacon and Boomer are biker bros manly white men pathetic
  4. i find it odd that Journey just got put on Steam as well, like 7 years later. There's no way that's not a result of Sony green-lighting it for steam as part of a new initiative.
  5. 2019 was nuts, three 10.0s (Days Gone, RE2, DMCV) all released a few weeks apart. best year in gaming since 1998
  6. probably a fraudulent listing, but this and bloodborne being the crown jewels of sony's 1st party output, this would be devastating news to the real gamer's community. FIngers crossed this never happens.
  7. And bloodborne was free the month i bought my ps4. that just made ditching xflop so much easier, that game hit like a punch in the mouth after i hated on it for years. A true killer app on par with Halo: CE, Mario 64, FF7, etc. GOTG and one of the reasons why PS4 won the gen
  8. bloodborne was so good even I put 100 hours into it and i don't even like souls. would have got the platinum, i'm one trophy away but those randomized chalice dungeons just suck too bad to play any further. Cainhurst castle one of the best moments in gaming history BAR NONE
  9. they play 99% similar but re3 is half the game that re 2 is. anyone giving RE2 a 9/10 and RE3r a 6/10 is retarded. If Re2 is a 9 then re3 is a 8.
  10. Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil: Remake Resident Evil 2/ Resident Evil 2 (2019) Resident Evil: Code Veronica Resident Evil 3/ RE3 (2020) Devil May Cry 5 Dead Rising Final Fantasy X Deadly Premonition Silent Hill 3 Shenmue Shenmue 2 Call of Duty: Black Ops Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Tales of Vesperia these lists are dumb, first games that came to my head
  11. the 8.0/10 was the last great GS review Imo, before that site tanked. That guy knew the game was nothing special at its core, and he gave it the score it deserved.
  12. Whenever the stores re-open, got to serve up the propaganda to as many people as possible.
  13. also, the game devolved into a shitty stealth game, as you could just kill anyone on the fly if you sneak up on them. Imagine doing that in a classic RE? so it was a shitty stealth game, awful horror game with , and a clunky sub-par TPS with a nice coat of paint, insane budget, animations, and maybe decent writing, but good lord, it got paraded around as a 10/10 solely because of the story.
  14. It's a baby fisher price Survival horror either way. besides good animations and an admittedly good plot twist at the end, TLOU1 was an unremarkable horror title, especially if you're used to classic RE and silent hill. Overrated title by the SJW media and Sony Ponies. Game was unremarkable. Now add in a dose of propaganda, lesbians, man hating, straight shaming, and a host of other obnoxious political shit? Yeah, fuck no.
  15. they hid it in DLC which made all the more devious. and, she was a 14 year old girl in that game. Fucking disgusting developer. I won't ever spend a dime on their shit, got UC4 and TLOU: R For free on PSN and that's where it ends for me. I'll try TLOU 2 just to laugh at it when it's given away for free, like the worthless piece of shit it is, on PSN.
  16. No RE2 deluxe, No RE7 Gold, No Umbrella Corps, No RE3HFPS-RGE
  17. Haven't tried it but it looks awful, the art design is atrocious, animations look janky and their main character is a shameless HUNK ripoff. also PoC version is at a 62 on meta - just awful.
  18. ROFL! Gaymare devs aren't fit to rim capcom Vancouver's sweaty asshole, let alone touch real capcom
  19. https://www.gematsu.com/2020/04/switch-system-update-version-10-0-0-now-available
  20. No Man's Buy And that Fat Ass Adam Boyes, who kept shilling this game, ran off after it flopped
  21. Dino Crisis - just a shittier RE with lame dinosaurs MVC - They have to pay a dumb license to marvel for their shitty cuck ip and characters, no point when Street Fighter is abetter game Dead Rising - Franchise gutted, casualized, and cucked by Canadian D-Rate devs, i.p damaged beyond repair Powerstone - Besides the DreamCast snobs, nobody even knows what this is, let alone plays 4 player brawlers on PS4/Xbone. It'd need to be a switch exclusive which would then mean it gets destroyed by Smash Bros. The only franchise Capcom has that really needs a sequel is
  22. It would have sold less during quarantine, the government needs this propaganda social programming game to reach as many impressionable young minds as possible.
  23. that looks like 2 dudes to me Do you guys jerk off to ellen degeneres?
  24. miscegenation, man hating, white men with shaved heads as the baddies, lesbians swapping fluids
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