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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. Apparently one the rarest CE ever, already super limited quantities, and released amid a global pandemic. I'm going to set mine up for bid at $900 and see what happens.
  2. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Resident-Evil-3-Collectors-Edition-for-the-PlayStation-4-PS4-ONLY-at-GameStop/174240964328?hash=item2891921ee8:g:PvUAAOSwNzReiQ3p My EBgames called and said they'd either hold mine until they reopen or I can get it shipped. Thats $600 Canadian bucks... damn I want it but that's a lot of money.
  3. It's even worse than that, it won't even be remembered remotely as fondly. OG Xbox had differentiated itself from the PS2 as the FPS console, was running games PS2 couldn't dream of, had exclusives like Ninja Gaiden, Otogi, and MS first party wasn't junk status at that point. Well now PS4 is the home of FPS, Team Ninja is making exclusives for PS4, FROMsoft is making exclusives for PS4, and every major release is a multiplat. MS is doing nothing to differentiate themselves in the market. it all lives and dies with QUALITY EXCLUSIVE GAMES, when you don't have that in th
  4. Well it proves they abandoned the market, and it was a grave mistake. Beyond what it does for the Japanese market, losing these games irreversibly makes the console seem like a worse value to consumers. Look at how happy some Xbox Only owners were for scraps from the yakuza franchise. xbox players are foaming at the mouth for these types of games but hate to admit it. Then you round out the complete loss of every fighting game, getting skipped on most JRPGs, losing the Shmup market, and you start to see the clear picture; Phil just didn't do his job.
  5. Nah, not at all. the dreamcast is beloved and fetishized for its exclusive library, and the fact that it has hardcore gamer-cred as it was the last Sega console. The 'Bone is universally hated, had no exclusive games at all, and will be replaced by the Suckies X. There's never going to be a collector's market around it. What I'm more worried about, and why I don't think Suckies X will be any different, is that all of the execs that made XBONE such a catastrophic failure this gen have their hands in SuckiesX's creation. And of course Gamepass, no exclusives, the SJW spie
  6. well yeah, the ones who are still sticking around really have problems. No exclusives, shit games for 4 years, shyster conman Phil and his SJW cronies cucking up all the games, straight to dvd gamepass, making PC exclusives, the list goes on. I was an excellent flamebaiter, but what the hell am I supposed to do with this? PS4 Uncharted 4 - 10.0 Persona 5 Royal - 10.0 Final Fantasy 7R - 10.0 Journey - 10.0 Uncharted: Lost Legacy - 9.0 God of war - 9.0 Bloodborne - 9.0 / BloodBorne:The Old Hunters DLC - 9.0 Spiderman - 9.0
  7. First Attempt: Mar 16: As you can see very little fanfare: 19.5k likes. DualSense gets announced and the gaming world stands still: This is the pad we will play exclusive games on, afterall: 300k likes One day later, MS decides to ride DualSense's jock: still BTFO!
  8. I feel sorry for anyone who was a fan of Obsidian or one of the other B-Studios MS acquired. Their already limited scope of development will now only be lessened further by MS. Also, I'm 100% certain that every developer owned by MicroSoft is mandated to make SJW games and propaganda. Bleeding Edge, Grounded, HellBlade, Gears 5, the list goes on and on. Every.Single.game. is SJW tripe. It's not a coincidence why Xbox has 0 fanfare and is hated by gamers.
  9. shoestring budget ✔ cartoon visuals ✔ baby game/simple gameplay ✔ designed for a $1 subscription service ✔ no white male avatars allowed ✔ Xbox is currently the single worst thing about gaming, this brand just needs to go away permanently.
  10. you can just see what an inspired creation this is compared to the Suckies X. People are all over twitter making customs, doing artwork and are hyped as hell for this. Suckies X is the Xbone controller again, with no new next gen features (Except the copied share button from PS4).
  11. More social media interaction on the PS5 controller alone than the whole reveal of SuckiesX + the Inside Xbox SJW/ baby-game show yesterday. MS is a dead man walking on a green mile going into next gen. This is going to be a slaughter.
  12. It's supposed to fun a product, may as well make it look nice. The switch was neon mismatched colours, the PS4 had a defining blue light/triangle slant shape, and even the 360 played up the green swirl. Looks like every successful console managed to look game-y. Xbone just looks plain and lame. That's one of the main reasons why it didn't sell initially. And now SuckiesX looks even more plain than the launch VCR-BONE.
  13. You live in a space surrounded by Gaming knick knacks, this should be right up your alley. Suckies X looks like office equipment, again. It's the VCR-box aesthetics of the XBone all over again. Wait until we see the PS5 console. Good lord it's going to look like something out of bladerunner.
  14. also d-pad looks like the vita d-pad, one of the best d-pads ever. overall this screams NEW and NEXT-GEN whereas the Xbone Suckies X controller is lame, tame, and a relic of the past. Look at these sticks: this is the new competitive FPS pad for sure. there's no comparison, DualSense is a head turner and actually has an aesthetic that screams console gaming. Where as SuckiesX is once again a lame, flat-black, characterless mass of plastic. which one do you think consumers will want? VS
  15. looks incredible! and the new triggers and shoulder buttons make this the single best pad out there. this thing will be the new standard for FPS. COD with those triggers
  16. Paging mr. Spencer, it's time to brave Corona Virus and get your ass back on that plane for one of those 'Japan Trips'
  17. PS4 is seriously going to get 3 AAAAE this year if They Lezbius 2 makes its 2020 release, you know the GS hipsters will love that game.
  18. The combat was a bit wonky, and the scope of the game just isn't what people wanted. FLOP!
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