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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. i think it actually just came out in Japan a few days ago. It's an M2 Shottriggers release so basically the Cadillac of shooter releases. And a physical copy to boot, that will only appreciate in value.
  2. i've never even heard of this release nor was i expecting anything from it. On to SMTV, Danganronpa decadence, Tiger Heli collection, and Deathsmiles 1 + 2.
  3. Hollywood leftist privilege, our lousy Alec has killed someone but we'll come out of this stronger, it's all about US! ME ME ME ME! What a trying learning experience for US!!! ME ME ME ME RULE OF LAW DOES NOT APPLY TO THE RICH AND FAMOUS! He can't possibly be guilty so it's back to our lives as usual! Whew, what a tough week that was! Absolute filth
  4. completely tasteless. I bet the family of the victim he murdered aren't having a jovial halloween. Bastard
  5. coupon clipper gaming. lol these bums would die if they saw what i spent on games in a month.
  6. The movie just looks awful, like some schmuck hipster had a list of RE moments he read off the internet and pieced a shitty scrip together. 'Ha... Jill Sandwhich?! I'll make her eat a sandwhich in [scene X] Itchy tasty? I'll write that on a window none of this makes sense. it's all haphazardly thrown together. all it shows me is the director knows nothing about the games.
  7. look at the way he treats his wife, jesus! I know she's only with him for the money, but christ, the camaera's rolling Alec! and you're under investigation for murder... control yourself!
  8. Fantastic news everyone! CRust will not continue. Movie is officially cancelled. nice to have official confirmation.
  9. i liked it but i'm kind of over that style of game tbh. 7 was spectacular but 8 didn't hit the same. Especially towards the end where they justified Ethan's superhuman power (LOL @ him re-attaching his arms and legs over and over), and the dumb, lazy allusions to Spencer and the old games. It just isn't RE proper. 7 is kind of an outlier because it was so fresh at the time, and manages to allude to/reference pretty much every horror movie worth a damn. It's a horror enthusiasts dream come true. 8 really doesn't do any of that. Gameplay wise 8 just turns into a a run of the mill FPS
  10. remember when RE was half dead on the table? I specifically remember 2 times where nobody really cared for the franchise anymore. first was ~2003, with RE Zero on gamecube. check the reviews from that time. Every single review said how dated it was and how RE was a thing of the past. then RE4 came out and punched everyone of them in the mouth (i still laugh when i see the revisionist history from fake/nu-gen RE faux hardcore fans and faux Hardcore gamers trying to say they only like the originals. my ass - no one did back then, i was there). Second was after RE 6. the f
  11. it's like 3 hours long and i imagine literally 99% recycled assets from RE2. Gameplay wise they are 99% similar. Capcom made out like bandits with that game for sure. and that's actually quite a bit in terms of copies. https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/finance/million.html #14 of all time for them.
  12. yep i feel so bad for Sasha Zotova, the RE3 remake girl. she has so much of her heart into the role and loves the character so much. she IS jill as far as i'm concerned. Russian or not, dub over her if her english isn't good enough, or get her English lessons. Her English seems good enough judging by her TY videos and streams. Even if she's rocking a Russian accent who cares at this point? is that going to break the immersion? LOL What's less authentic than the current jill? this was her moment, and her character, and it was stolen from her. Awful film, director, and c
  13. Real Jill from RE: 3 Remake Jill from the old, less shitty (what a miracle...) RE movie. Even fucking Uwe Boll did it better
  14. AHAHAHAHAHAHA This rotten piece of FUCKING TRASH! What a fucking nIGHTMARE PIECE OF SHIT this film has turned out to be Absolutely GROSS
  15. so basically MS is future proofing itself for the inevitable sinking console sales problem they've created for themselves. Xbox will live on as a service for PC and.... [fill in the blank platform X] that will allow Xbox Gamepass on their hardware. imagine what Series X successor will sell. Half of the Series X which will probably do half of the Xbox one, and so forth.
  16. i've noticed that too with a lot of people my age. they have no gaming history before COD4, Halo 3, and assassins Creed. 360 is literally all they know, many it was their first console or the console that they really started to get into gaming with.
  17. how long can MS sustain a downward trajectory for their brand? Xbox One: 10 million Xbox series S/X: 8 million PS4: 13.5 million PS5: 13.4 million the culprit 3rd party games have especially taken a hit on xbox due to gamepass. PS at roughly double the share of xbox for 3rd party game sales.
  18. with a delay of several years on all the games it doesn't even matter. PC will get scraps that everyone's moved on from and have sold through their maximum potential on console. god of war is $5 on PS4 right now. go find it in your local gamestop's bargain bin.
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