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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. @RaniK_ remember when I impersonated you on XFire, added Devo, and then talked to him for days, and then you found out based on a real-life convo when Devo was referencing things that you never said?
  2. Lmao This was such a random counter-example that I burst out laughing
  3. another typical slav idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about
  4. "pandemics" ? Can you name just 2 pandemics that resulted from live markets? lmfao
  5. Wow. That almost sounds similar to every major nation in the West? Take a look in the mirror before you criticize another culture you dumbass, lmfao.
  6. I'm just confused by all these people talking about China like they're an authority? lmfao. I barely know anything about the country and have never been there. Yet I don't go around making claims about it?
  7. what do you know about China? Ever been there? Serious question. You talk like you know much about it, lmao
  8. SheepKilla


    I like Raniklemon, but LMFAO that is the faggiest shit I ever read. This spicoli fag
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