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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. Never have I heard of ad block blocking entire video clips until this thread.
  2. Browser is not the opposite of "home network." Also, will this block the actual videos that play before your own video? Or just the banner ads and images? Thanks...
  3. All I see now are ads on videos and the site. So fucking annoying. They even had the gall to play ANOTHER ad after the first ends.
  4. BTW here's proof: Where are the idiots now who praised this when it was announced?
  5. You can tell this by the frequency and quantity of posts that someone has here. Simple. I used to post a lot, so was more lonely, and now I post less because I'm less lonely.
  6. I like how Kobe dies and Jimbo derails this thread into talk about ice cream ROFL what a troll
  7. of course you would bring race into this. smh
  8. I dreamed I woke up inside my house late at night (3 AM). Everything was dark, and it seemed like everyone just disappeared. My house was boarded up. I looked outside and saw nobody. I reach for the phone and call 911 to speak with them and explain the situation. They thank me and say somebody will be right over. After the call, I hear knocking and them asking if somebody's in there. Then, I look and see a note in handwriting next to the phone that says "DO NOT CALL 911. THEY ARE NOT HUMAN.". Not even joking. What a fucked up dream. I woke up in a cold sweat.
  9. do you remember anything about ownage god?
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