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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. i've heard from 500 people irl already; don't need a fake SW "celebration" either
  2. Looks like Javi finally got that archive from 2005 working
  3. damn you must have been away for a long, long time I think the other ps2owns guy was the gee, and you were someone else, right?
  4. You're probably that one guy that gets caught looking at porn in the library, aren't you?
  5. The difference is you posting a dick pic won't generate 1 million + views from guests
  6. i literally laughed at the 'lmfao' response to that post of his LOL
  7. It's not necessarily bad. Just very stressful, because there's a lot of work to do. It's almost impossible to get it all done and fulfill all the expectations without making mistakes.
  8. you mean tipsy? that might not be a bad idea. We recently had a party and I got a bit tipsy with the wine. I was socializing a lot, being loud, and cracking jokes. People seemed to like me more, and I didn't seem like a douchebag. However, my only concern would be somebody smelling alcohol on me or my breath at my job lol.
  9. Coming in drunk is a good way to get fired from this prestigious job
  10. Do people still play it? I never could get into TF2. Played for probably like 10 hours before I permanently uninstalled.
  11. Because she's wearing fine clothing in the video, now. But I assure you that this bitch was born poor in some village until she realized she could get fame just because of how she looks and what her fascinating ""interests"" are.
  12. She must be getting massive attention/gifts from the weeabos and the jap guys. She knows exactly what she's doing. Taken from a life of poverty in Russia, into stardom.
  13. Halo became that friend you want to go away but who keeps showing up at your door to hang out like it was the past.
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