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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. It's that way on purpose, evoking a gothic vibe. IMO it's the perfect Gotham style.
  2. Absolutely. In fact, it's even better as an adult. I would even go so far as to say it is not even suitable for a kid's show because it deals with many mature themes and the art style is rich.
  3. Anyone who says it's their favorite must never have seen Batman: TAS. Nothing will ever top that. Second favorite, though? Absolutely. Or First favorite for non-animated? Absolutely again.
  4. Say what you will about the movie, but at least it's creative, aesthetic, and downright fun to watch. Unlike many movies today. I think it shouldn't be a 69% on RT. More like 80%. I do believe politics played a role in that rating, especially when movies like Black Panther gets 97% on RT (lol).
  5. What are you two even arguing about? No offense, but I re-read the posts like 3 times and still don't get it.
  6. I describe the feeling as wishing I could see more, set in the same style and city, etc. It has a unique style. And I'm more curious about the Joaquin Phoenix character and his backstory. I also find myself laughing and reminiscing about various scenes (like the midget scene - that's legitimately side-splittingly funny humor to me). I just loved the vibe/aesthetics. It somehow felt like a comic book, whereas The Dark Knight really didn't capture the comic book feel at all and was more gritty. In a lot of ways, this is a really good movie.
  7. despite it's flaws, I can't stop thinking about this movie. this movie owned hard.
  8. Yeah, the aesthetics were beautiful. They especially nailed Arkham Asylum, Arthur's apartment, and the trains. I almost wish the movie were longer and depicted Arthur just going about his day in the city doing normal things like going to a therapist or going grocery shopping lol. Would love to be a fly on the wall in his life. Maybe they should do a show.
  9. Calling some fag on YouTube narrating over some jpgs a "documentary"
  10. My only criticism is that It also felt like the movie didn't know what it wanted to be sometimes. A comic book movie? A movie about mental illness? A movie about a loner? A movie about a city? A movie about politics? Normally, all these themes would overlap fine in a movie. But here the focus felt a little bit jumbled and fragmented. I liked it, but don't think it's for everyone.
  11. I saw the movie. Really liked it and its political themes. I also loved the aesthetic vibe of Gotham.
  12. The colors put me in the Halloween vibe. Pumped to see this tonight
  13. I'm gonna see it tonight with a friend. I have literally not been excited to see a movie in 2+ years.
  14. FYI Joker's name in the movie is Joseph Kerr, aka Joe Kerr.
  15. 1) There's women out there who legitimately hate babies because of what they psychologically represent. 2) There's women out there that are legitimately traumatized by climate change due to mass media. Not hard to put 2 and 2 together and realize there are crazy people out there who would actually support such an idea. The woman was 100% genuine.
  16. Accusing an employee of lying is a pretty serious step for a professional firm. So they'd probably say "not verified" rather than "lying" without proof, to avoid a lawsuit. A background check is the final stages of an interview process. The company wants to hire you. Depending on how it's spinned, it's possible to get away with it.
  17. Yeah, nobody on the left would EVER believe something that ludicrous. /s
  18. Nothing wrong with this. If the guy can legitimately do a good job, which he can, he deserved it. If anything, you're doing the company a favor by sending them someone who's good, but just doesn't seem good on paper. Companies these days are retarded and require 5+ years of experience.
  19. Not necessarily. How? Now that I think of it, that's really hard to verify conclusively.
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