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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. Not as in, "I speak Fluent Spanish," when you don't, but more like "I worked for 2 years at company Y, and company Y doesn't even exist."
  2. That's a great new vid from Laurence Fishburne
  3. This thread owns and is still garnering activity. It's an unexpected feel-good thread that graced SW. Legendary poster, fags.
  4. good luck My experience wasn't bad at all. Just make sure you follow the instructions. One thing that helped me was imagining bad stuff being taken out (the infected/decayed teeth) rather than, "oh shit they're gonna take my teeth out." That helped me psychologically. Those teeth are rotting, and should be taken out.
  5. You seemed to enter this thread; so why were YOU? Kek
  6. out of all the comments to expect when I hit "Last post: Jehurey", I get this one. LMFAO
  7. @-GD- Dark is interesting. Just saw the first episode
  8. It's worse than a joke. They are outright malicious at this point and intent on actively destroying the people.
  9. he probably killed himself knowing you were in his bloodline
  10. Didn't they also add a nonbinary gender option recently? rofl
  11. And how do you think that language makes JonB feel? Do you believe it may hurt him, just a littlebit? And what about the fact you rudely put "piss off" at the end of your post?
  12. You brought JonB's race into his post about a videogame. It's almost like you might be...you know...racist yourself.
  13. And it's obviously nowhere near enough regulation. They lead to more deaths than almost anything else. We need to ban them completely. It would also help with the global warming crisis.
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