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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. Even on my pro controller I feel the thumbsticks are a bit weird and non-responsive. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
  2. Not only that, but his race would've been mentioned everywhere. "WHITE gunman attacks 10 people" "Suspect is WHITE MALE gunman" Just like with the most recent shooting. Claimed to have 0 details, but made sure to include the phrase "suspect is 30 year old white male." It's incredible how malicious and dishonest they are.
  3. Imagine being retarded enough to link your self-esteem to what people on resetera think or say about you.
  4. There is no difference between 30fps and 60fps. The human eye can't see beyond 30.
  5. Reading comprehension must not be one of your strong-suits. People here have been encouraging Aza to date the tranny thinking he found true love:
  6. Remember Cooke's post about how he makes exceptions for trannies that look very feminine and agreeing to call them she? LMFAO
  7. And here we have people calling trans people "she". And encouraging Aza to date them, in belief he found "true love," instead of encouraging him to seek mental treatment.
  8. "He" repeat after me, "he." It's a guy in a dress. "He".
  9. https://www.google.com/search?biw=1440&bih=708&tbm=nws&ei=Hu9mXam_BKWD5wKfrILIBA&q=disney+earnings+q3&oq=disney+earnings+q3&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l2.93006.96451.0.96588.
  10. he pulls the fucking RACE CARD in response to me hating the Wire LMFAO MY SIDES omg
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