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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. The very best shows that I have watched (to name a few off the top of my head, Twin Peaks, X-Files, Breaking Bad, Six Feet Under, etc.) don't require you to watch over a season to begin to "like" it. Imagine telling someone to watch 20+ hours of Twin Peaks to begin to like it. No, the show is addicting from the very first few episodes. Furthermore, I heard a lot of people say that if I didn't like it in the first Season at all, then I should just turn it off because the rest won't be interesting to me. I took that as a logical claim and turned it off permanently after. The show could come toge
  2. Using the proper "she" pronoun I see. GJ, JonB.
  3. "just invest 20 hours and it'll start getting good." nah. Also: Only a five-year old thinks that detectives buy each other a cup of coffee and donuts every five seconds. A five year-old wrote this show and you think it's good.
  4. Right, and that wasn't even close to my main criticism. Here it was: Fuck this joke of a "show" and everyone that thought it was any good.
  5. It's shallow trash masquerading as 'deep'. Sorry. Turned it off permanently after Season 1.
  6. dont do it then imo. not worth it for an entire forum to be wiped.
  7. yeah me too. Bring them back. This single-quote shit isn't the sw I knew
  8. You mean you don't want a Jehurey wall of quotechains?
  9. lmfao the funny part is that quote chains ARE here...in the archives. Old threads have quote chains (and they look completely fine/normal).
  10. Then that's a great idea by them. They've fucked up catastrophically on virtually every game in the past number of years. It happened when they started hiring only female devs.
  11. Never got into this so I'm clueless. They're bringing back the original, right?
  12. About to start S1 of Man in the High Castle because I heard it was a good show. feels good man
  13. "I don't get how someone could not know about every single notable game in existence" AzaFagga
  14. you forgot the best part.. getting 2/3s of the way through, only for the game to permanently crash at your save point and be irrecoverable
  15. 'coming to pc' - you mean coming to an unauthorized program that's going to lag and have more glitches than day one Fallout 76
  16. More like the SJW "woke" games are appallingly bad, and people don't play them because they're BAD. Nothing to do with them being "woke." stop pretending this garbage is good.
  17. So then why was he allowed to be on their channel for about a decade before this started happening? Wouldn't they have figured out how dangerous he was?
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