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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. Or getting mad that a game/show/movie has all white characters and little diversity
  2. He was confirmed to have lied in court? Do you mean like someone named...........BILL CLINTON? JAMES CLAPPER? HILLARY CLINTON? ETC.
  3. I'm not "praising" anything. I'm merely reporting the truth and the situation as-is. Shocking, I know. Alex Jones told an attorney under oath that he was an act, in a case that legally helped him if he made the claim. Connect the fucking dots. And your "OH THE MORALITY!!!" posturing over this is hilarious.
  4. OJ told the court he didn't do it. That must mean it's true, even doubly so, because he got officially acquitted.
  5. LMFAO. I never heard of this Steven Crowder guy before, but now might be a time for me to take a look into him. Thanks for the suggestion.
  6. Also, he's not "in court on Trial". He's in some lawyer's office conducting an interview for the case.
  7. I watched that already. Where does he claim "insanity" as a defense?
  8. I miss the 1950's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and early 2000's music. The garbage they're playing now on the radio is insanity.
  9. You can keep laughing ("teehee") and posting your "silly" vids of Alex Jones, but I don't see you posting him specifically predicting 9/11 two months before it happened.
  10. It's funny how you're an apologist for banning and silencing people who provide alternative viewpoints. "But...but...he was potentially dangerous!"
  11. So then why didn't they ban him at that time if it was so awful? Why wait years later? That's the only incident they keep bringing up, and Jones never told people to contact families.
  12. That was over-hyped by the media to make a point and paint him as ridiculous. He merely questioned it (at the prompting of people who wrote to him). He afterwards said it was real. He also never said it was fake, just that it had certain elements that were questionable and merited further investigating.
  13. So CNN doesn't do that shit? Day after day? They literally promote the worst, most inhumane things. Literal wars. Yet Alex Jones is the bad one that should be permabanned and silenced? Okay then.
  14. Let me get this straight. >Some guy has been saying for 10+ years that there's a shadow government in society manipulating events to gain more power, and silencing free speech to manipulate the population. >You use the fact that he got blocked simultaneously on multiple media networks at the same time, as proof that he was wrong. connect the dots
  15. You're in 2007. This is 2019. He's not the "loony guy saying nonsense" that people had made him out to be, and you're about 10 years behind.
  16. I used to think Alex Jones was crazy until his predictions started coming irrefutably true.
  17. I was looking into voice morphing lately. This is completely unique in terms of quality. All the rest are absolute garbage that make you sound like either like Satan or a chipmunk.
  18. lmfao he gets caught in a web of lies mid-interview
  19. Really good idea, but I don't think it's that. I'm not even using an HDMI and am streaming directly from a USB (was a ps3 before). It could possibly be that cable that's plugged into the wall outlet, though, and powering the tv. It shuts off randomly. it's a SUPER weird problem. I thought it was common, and when I explained it to people, they were like "wtf are you talking about?" I'm pretty sure it might even have something to do with signals and bluetooth connections, because my remote sometimes doesn't work randomly, as if something is interfering with the signal.
  20. "When people with iPhones text each other, their messages send in blue speech bubbles. But when they text non-iPhone owners, messages send in a different hue: bright green, as if to signal that they’re talking to an outsider." LMFAO overthinking texts to this extent
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