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Everything posted by SheepKilla

  1. If you're not on Switch, you can't possibly be a real gamer. I mean, what the hell else are you playing? PoS4? Pee Cee in 2019? A new metal gear without Kojima? Lmfao
  2. niggas cant handle my Donkey Kong in smash
  3. " $19.99 Metal Wolf Chaos XD: Soundtrack" lmfao $20 for a 20 year old game's soundtrack
  4. Ah, I raise my cup to that sentiment in a manner akin to Baron von Glower.
  5. One of my top 5 games of all time. :) I tried to advise plebs here to play it and they laughed at me.
  6. The best part of Xenoblade 2 is me visiting a snow world with a sword and fighting party.
  7. The world is empty and boring in BOTW compared to XB2
  8. In those 5 paragraphs, you never gave one specific detail about the game. If you ask me why I like GTA 3 (which I just recently finished again), I would tell you about missions I completed. Car rides I had. Scenarios that happened ("that guy flipped me over in his car and then the bomb exploded!!!"). Don't get me wrong, I'll also still play this. But when the price drops. Xenoblade looks incredible in videos and reviews. Here's hoping it lives up to my expectations. Very excited to play it.
  9. I'll 100% play it eventually. But I just noticed that virtually nobody could give me specifics on why it was so "amazing." Typical sheep: "BOTW was amazing and one of the best games ever made." Me: "Ok, do you have anything more specific to say or any specific examples of moments in the game?" Sheep; "I don't know. You'll have to play to find out."
  10. I just bit the bullet on XB2. It cost me $40.
  11. Some people made a 4-hour documentary about the gamecube smash bros' competitive scene. As someone who never even really played Smash bros that much, I will say that it was surprisingly very watchable and interesting.
  12. JonB is ON YOUR SIDE you clown He believes in gun regulations. The only difference is, he's not crazy and condemning us for defending guns. He actually sees both sides of the coin. You're so "tolerant" that you attack anyone whose point of view is even SLIGHTLY different than "BAN ALL GUNS NOW YOU FASCIST DURR".
  13. LMFAO He keeps saying "trying to change the topic" whenever you give him a counter-example exposing his stupidity.
  14. Honestly I'm so tempted to get Xenoblade 2, and then wait for a price drop on BOTW.
  15. It would cause a slow change and incremental taking away of rights, until eventually all of them are to be banned. This is Democrat policy 101. Slow change over a decade or so, and then the frog is boiled. Gay marriage is okay one year, and the next year you're a bigot if you believe two genders exist.
  16. He shouldn't have to explain how policies you advocate for will affect him. You have the burden to explain how they won't.
  17. Can you give me any specific examples? I've seen so much vague and general praise for this game.
  18. The problem is you're not addressing the root of the problem. You only think you are. Eventually the goalposts will change. When guns are banned, it will turn into "ban knives." "Ban X, Y, and Z." The fact is, if a bad person wants to do something bad, THEY ARE GOING TO DO IT. Nothing will stop them, unless you stripped all liberties to the point of becoming a totalitarian state. Nothing will stop them. Everyone and their family are permanently at risk, 24/7. Because this is LIFE. Banning guns won't magically solve the problems. You've merely been convinc
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